Fall 2011 CELT Events
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers various workshops and seminars. Fall semester workshops include:
Thursday, September 7 - "Jumpstart on Teaching" - John Kane (4:00 - 5:00 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, September 14 - Faculty learning community on student motivation meeting (12:40-1:35, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, September 15 - ANGEL gradebook - Greg Ketcham (4:00 - 5:00 pm, 123 Penfield) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Friday, September 16 - "Cultivating Your Web Presence" - Jack Gelfand and Tim Nekritz, (3:00 - 4:00 pm, 123 Penfield) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Friday, September 23 - Document Imaging - Michelle Bandla and Shelly StJohn (12:40-1:35 pm, 123 Penfield)
Monday, September 26 - Document Imaging -Michelle Bandla and Shelly StJohn (12:40-1:35 pm, 123 Penfield)
Tuesday, October 4 - "iPad: Effective Use in the Classroom" - An Academic Impressions webinar, sponsored by CTS, on the effective use of iPads in the classroom. (1:00 - 2:30 pm, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, October 6 - "Student Grant Workshop for Scholarly and Creative Activities: How to Prepare for SCAC Grants?" - Dr. Carolina Ilie (SCAC) and Dr. Barb Garii (IRB-HSC) (12:45-1:40, 123 Penfield) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Thursday, October 6 - "Advisement I: Using the CAPP report to avoid common pitfalls in advisement" - Rameen Mohammadi, Michelle Bandla, Chris Lalonde, and Shelly StJohn (4:00-5:00 pm, 123 Penfield ) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Thursday, October 13 - "Advisement II: Using the CAPP report to avoid common pitfalls in advisement" - Rameen Mohammadi, Michelle Bandla, Chris Lalonde, and Shelly StJohn (4:00-5:00 pm, 123 Penfield ) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Friday, October 14 - Document Imaging - Michelle Bandla and Shelly StJohn (12:40-1:35 pm, 123 Penfield)
Friday, October 14 - "Secrets Revealed: Developing Collaboration" - Jack Gelfand and panel (TBD) (3:00 - 4:00 pm, Library Instruction Room 1)
Wednesday, October 19, "Critical Thinking" - Dan Apple (8:30 - 4:30, Sheldon Ballroom)
Monday, October 24 - Document Imaging - Michelle Bandla and Shelly StJohn (12:40-1:35 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, October 26, "Assessment: Clear, Simple, and USEFUL" - Barbara Walvoord, (4:00 - 5:15, 123 Penfield) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Thursday, October 27 - "Alternatives to lecture" - Bill Goffe (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Friday, November 4, "iPad Apps for Faculty" - John Kane and Casey Raymond (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield). A listing of iPad apps that may be of interest to faculty is available here. (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Tuesday, November 8 - "Pitfalls and Joys of Clickers in the Classroom" - Bill Goffe (4:00 - 5:00, 123 Penfield) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Thursday, November 10 - "Preparing Effective Materials for Retention, Promotion and Tenure" - Provost Lorrie Clemo and the Deans of each School and College (4:00 - 5:30 pm, CC 114 - breakout rooms: CC 201, 210, 223) (view the PowerPoint slides from last year's talk and the Criteria for Faculty Personnel Decisions)
Thursday, November 17 - "Applying for Curriculum Innovation Grants" - Diana Boyer (4:00 - 5:00 pm, 123 Penfield) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Friday, November 18 - "Your Research from the Sponsor's Perspective" - Jack Gelfand, Linda Cook, and Maria Nakamura (3:00 - 4:00 pm, 123 Penfield)
Monday, November 21, "Introduction to Prezi," Shannon Pritting (2:00 - 3:00 pm - Penfield Library Instruction Room 1) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Thursday, December 1 - "End-of-term wrap up: Sharing first-term experiences" - John Kane (4:00 - 5:00 pm, 123 Penfield)
Friday, December 2, "What Makes a Good Proposal: Looking at Reviewer Comments" - Jack Gelfand (3:00 - 4:00 pm, 123 Penfield) (a video recording of this workshop is available)
Friday, December 9, "Developing a COIL course: finding a foreign partner" - Joshua McKeown and John Kane (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield)