Fall 2012 CELT Events
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers various workshops and seminars. Fall semester workshops include:
Wednesday, August 29 - "Using i>clickers" - Kathy LaQuadra, Senior Technology Specialist at i>clicker (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield) (video recording)
Wednesday, September 5 - "Mobile Apps in Education" - brown-bag lunch series (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, September 6 - "Jumpstart on Teaching" - John Kane (4:00 - 5:00 pm, 123 Penfield)
Monday, September 10 - "Prezi: Moving Beyond Powerpoint" - John Kane (12:40 - 1:35, Library Instruction Room I)
Wednesday, September 19 - "Privacy Rights: How Faculty Can Navigate The FERPA Maze"- Innovative Educators webinar, (1:00 - 2:30, 123 Penfield)
Friday, September 28 - "Talking Writing" - Michael Murphy (11:30 - 12:30, 123 Penfield)
Friday, September 28 - "Developing a COIL class" - Jon Rubin (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield) (video recording)
Wednesday, October 3 - "Mobile Apps in Education" - brown-bag lunch series (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, October 4 - "Preparing Effective Materials for Retention, Promotion and Tenure" - Provost Lorrie Clemo and the Deans of each School and College (4:00 - 5:30 pm, CC 114) (view the PowerPoint slides and the Criteria for Faculty Personnel Decisions)
Wednesday, October 10 - "Mentoring Undergraduate Research" - Diana Boyer, Faith Maina, and a panel of faculty (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield) (video recording)
Wednesday, October 10 - "Student SCAC grant workshop" - Caroline Ilie, Barb Garii (4:00 - 5:00, 123 Penfield) (download the PowerPoint slide presentation) (video recording)
Friday, October 12 - "Talking Writing" - Michael Murphy (11:30 - 12:30, 123 Penfield)
Tuesday, October 16 - "Budgets; Creating and Understanding Research Proposal Budgets" - Jack Gelfand, Maria Nakamura, and Linda Cook (12:30 - 1:30, 224 Hewitt)
Wednesday, October 17 - "Instructor Assessment of Student Learning" - Dan Apple (CC 201, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm) - SUNY-Oswego will provide funding for ten faculty. Please contact Rameen Mohammadi to get approval for the use of CPD points to cover the cost.
Friday, October 19 - Saturday, October 20 - SUNY-Oswego Symposium on Learning and Teaching - to register, click here.
Monday, October 21 - Demo of "Top Hat Monocle" - an alternative to clickers that relies on mobile devices (1:00 - 1:40, 123 Penfield
Thursday, October 25 - "Reacting to the Past: A new pedagogy for engaging students" - Anthony Contento (4:00 - 5:00, 123 Penfield) (video recording)
Friday, October 26 - "Talking Writing" - Michael Murphy (11:30 - 12:30, 123 Penfield)
Friday, October 26 - "Classroom Attitudes: Getting Beyond Us vs. Them" - Christine Hirsch and Jennifer Knapp (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield) (video recording)
Thursday, November 1 - "Using Game Structures to Establish Community in a Classroom" - Rebecca Mushtare (4:00 - 5:00, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, November 1 - "RTTP Workshop" - Anthony Contento (6 pm - 8 pm, 123 Penfield)
Tuesday, November 6 - "Panel discussion on educational technology (TO BE RESCHEDULED)" - Damian Schofield, Matt Spindler, and Scott Steiger (4:00 - 5:00, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, November 7 - "Mobile Apps in Education" - brown-bag lunch series (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, November 8 - "Using a mastery learning quizzing system in ANGEL" - John Kane (4:00 - 5:00, 123 Penfield) (video recording)
Thursday, November 8 - "RTTP Workshop" - Anthony Contento (6 pm - 8 pm, 123 Penfield)
Friday, November 9 - "Talking Writing" - Michael Murphy (11:30 - 12:30, 123 Penfield)
Monday, November 12 - "The Inside Scoop on Online Course Evaluations: Nothing New But the In's and Out's of Angel"- Marcia Burrell and Ms. Deborah Schnurr (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield) (To be rescheduled)
Tuesday, November 13 - "Pivot: A resource for finding funding opportunities" - Jack Gelfand, Maria Nakamura, and Linda Cook (12:30 - 1:30, 224 Hewitt)
Tuesday, November 13 - "The Assessment of Student Learning: An Integrated Approach" - Brad Wray (4:00 - 5:00, 123 Penfield) (video recording)
Wednesday, November 14 - Faculty learning community on large-class instruction - initial meeting (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, November 14 - "Creating an Online Portfolio for Promotion, Retention, and Tenure" - Mark Springston and Adam Nesbitt (4:00 - 5:30, Library Classroom I) (video recording)
Thursday, November 15 - "RTTP Workshop" - Anthony Contento (6 pm - 8 pm, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, November 29 - "Creating an Online Portfolio for Promotion, Retention, and Tenure" - Mark Springston and Adam Nesbitt (4:00 - 5:30, Library Classroom I)
Thursday, November 29 - "RTTP Workshop" - Anthony Contento (6 pm - 8 pm, 123 Penfield)
Friday, November 30 - "Korean Students on Campus: What do We Need to Know to Improve Teaching, Learning and Services?"- Dr. Taejin Jung (Communication Studies), Dr. Minjung Seo (Health Promotion and Wellness), and Dr. Joshua McKeown (Director of International Education and Programs) (12:40 - 1:35 pm, 123 Penfield)
Tuesday, December 4 - "End-of-term wrap up: Sharing first-term experiences" - John Kane (4:00 - 5:00 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, December 5 - "Mobile Apps in Education" - brown-bag lunch series (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, December 6 - "Korean Students on Campus: What do We Need to Know to Improve Teaching, Learning and Services?"- Dr. Taejin Jung (Communication Studies), Dr. Minjung Seo (Health Promotion and Wellness), and Dr. Joshua McKeown (Director of International Education and Programs) (3:00 - 4:00 pm, 123 Penfield)
Friday, December 7 - "Talking Writing" - Michael Murphy (11:30 - 12:30, 123 Penfield)
Friday, December 7 - "Korean Students on Campus: What do We Need to Know to Improve Teaching, Learning and Services?"- Dr. Taejin Jung (Communication Studies), Dr. Minjung Seo (Health Promotion and Wellness), and Dr. Joshua McKeown (Director of International Education and Programs) (12:40 - 1:35 pm, 123 Penfield)
Tuesday, December 11 - "Obtaining Support from Foundations" - Jack Gelfand, Maria Nakamura, and Linda Cook (12:30 - 1:30, 224 Hewitt)