
Cathy Santos has organized a panel presentation on mentoring. The presenters are:

Elyzabeth Wengert, Director, Office of Learning Support Services

Ms. Wengert will discuss the transitional phases associated with mentoring from graduate school to the workplace.  She will also address the importance mentoring of underrepresented college students.

Grace Mukupa, The Point/Student Affairs
Ms. Mukupa will address her experiences from the perspective as a Professional Staff member of the College.  She will share her experiences from both her position as a Residence Hall Director, and the transition to her current position as Student Involvement Coordinator.

Dr. Karen Wolford, Chair, Psychology
Dr. Wolford will present on her experiences as a mentee and what was most helpful, the benefits of the mentor role in terms of growth and expansion of expertise, and now as a chair, the  overseeing of mentors and mentees.  She will also address the importance of securing multiple mentors and provide ideas about finding a mentor match.