Fall 2009 CELT Events
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Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers various workshops and seminars for faculty and staff. Fall semester workshops include:
- Friday, August 28th - "Jump Start on Teaching" - John Kane (12:40 - 1:35 pm in 123 Penfield) (new faculty/staff workshop)
- Friday, September 18th - "Using ANGEL to generate a mastery learning quizzing system" - John Kane (12:40 pm - 1:35 pm in 123 Penfield). A video recording of an earlier version of this presentation is available here (a screen capture version is also available).
- Friday, September 25th - Saturday, September 26th - Fifth SUNY-Oswego Symposium on Learning and Teaching, A Celebration of Meaningful Learning: Engaging Students
- Friday, September 25
- Peer-reviewed poster session - 1-3 pm in the Campus Center across from the Point
- reception for keynote speaker, poster presenters, and interested faculty and staff - CC 120 - 3:00 - 4:00 pm
- "Performance-based Learning and Multidimensional Assessment Methods" - Michael "Bodhi" Rogers, (4:00 pm - Campus Center Auditorium - CC 118)
- dinner with keynote speaker, poster presenters, and interested faculty and staff (5:30 - 7:00 pm - CC 120) - $8 fee for those not presenting posters. If you wish to attend, contact celt@oswego.edu by September 18, 2009
- Saturday, September 26
- "Getting students to work together -- is it really possible?" - workshop led by Michael "Bodhi" Rogers, (8:30 pm - 1:30 pm - CC 114) - coffee, bagels, and lunch will be provided to all participants thanks to a grant provided by Auxiliary Service. To participate, contact celt@oswego.edu by September 21, 2009
- Tuesday, September 29th - "Arts, Identity, and Diaspora" - John Shaffer (12:40 pm - 1:35 in 123 Penfield). To participate in this workshop over the internet. click on this link.
- Friday, October 2nd – "Preparing Effective Materials for Retention, Promotion and Tenure" - Provost Coultrap-McQuin and the Deans of each School and College (12:00 pm - 1:30 pm - Starting in Sheldon Ballroom, breakout sessions in Sheldon 326, 328, 335, and 336)
- Monday, October 5th - "Getting clickers to work for you: the technical aspects" - Larry Fuller (12:40 pm - 1:35 pm in Library Instruction Room I) (watch the video of an April 17, 2009 version of this presentation)
- Friday, October 9th - "Using Clickers in the classroom: How might they be used to increase student learning?" - Bill Goffe (12:40 - 1:35 in 123 Penfield) (watch the video of an April 3, 2009 version of this presentation)
- Wednesday, October 14th - "Student Grant Workshop: Helping Students Prepare for SCAC Grants" - Carolina Ilie and Kathy Budd (12:40 - 1:35 in 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
- Thursday, October 15th - "White Papers and Elevator Talks" - ORSP (noon - 1 pm in 123 Penfield) Once the meeting begins, you may participate remotely by clicking on this link.
- Friday, October 16th - "Team-Based Learning in the Economics Classroom"-Bill Goffe (12:40 - 1:35 pm in 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
- Friday, October 23rd - "Brave New World of Social Media" -Tim Nekritz (12:40 - 1:35 in 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
- Friday, October 30th - "Second Life and Higher Education" - John Kane (12:40 - 1:35 in 123 Penfield)
- Friday, November 6th – "Blogging as a Tool for Reflective Writing" - Greg Ketcham (12:40 pm - 1:35 pm in 123 Penfield)
- Thursday, November 12th - "Understanding budgets" - ORSP (noon - 1 pm in 123 Penfield)
- Friday, November 13th - "Achieving Excellence: Serving Underrepresented Students" - Elyzabeth Wengert, Director OLS and Dr. Adrianne Morton, Director of McNair Scholars and the C-Step program (12:40 - 1:35 in 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
- Monday, November 16th - "Proven ways to improve your student evaluations" - Bill Bosch (12:40 pm - 1:35 pm in 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
- Friday, November 20th - "What Do the Students Say?: Results of the WAC Survey of Undergraduates on Writing." - Michael Murphy (12:40 pm - 1:35 pm in 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
- Monday, December 7th - "Do you JITT? Benefits of using Just In Time Teaching," Carolina Ilie, (12:40 pm - 1:35 pm in 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
- Friday, December 11th - "End-of-term wrap up: Sharing first-term experiences" - John Kane (12:40 - 1:35 pm in 123 Penfield) (new faculty/staff workshop)
- Friday, December 18th - "Synchronous distance learning platform" - Joe Moreau and Greg Ketcham (12:40 - 1:35 pm in 123 Penfield)