SUNY-Oswego COIL class descriptions
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
HCI 530 / Eng 595 -Transhumanism - In this class, first offered in the spring semester of 2013, Damian Schofield and Pat Murphy collaborate with Lisa ? from Australia in offering a class that exams the relationship between humans and machines. As part of this course, students will learn about writing plays and programming robots.
WST 396 - Women, Workplace and the Law - This is the first SUNY-Oswego COIL course, initially offered during the fall 2012 and spring 2013 semesters. In this collaboration, developed between Susan Coultrap-McQuin at Oswego and Ina Issa in Lebanon, students from both countries work collaboratively in small groups in creating presentations concerning workplace conditions for fictional firms that have offices in the U.S. and Lebanon. Students interact asynchronously using ANGEL discussion forums in a shared ANGEL course shell.