Faculty learning community on student motivation
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
The faculty learning community on student motivation will discuss methods of effectively engaging and motivating students to enhance learning.
Meeting topics:
3/30/12 - A discussion of "Teacher Leadership and Intellectual Stimulation: Improving Students' Approaches to Studying through Intrinsic Motivation"
9/14/11 - "Strategies to motivate students in general education courses"
4/27/11 - "The Impact of Student Nonverbal Behaviors on Instructor Motivation and Job Satisfaction."
3/21/11 -We will be discussing the article "How lecture can undermine the motivation of our students" by Ward and Bodner (1993). The article can be found in the Journal of Chemical Education, volume 70, issue 3, and is courtesy of Professor Bill Goffe. Please join us for a discussion of the article, and help us to plan our next discussion topic!
12/1/10 - Our discussion will be about the article "The Unteachables," which appeared in the October 2010 issue of the NEA Higher Education Journal, The Advocate.
10/27/10 - This meeting will focus on a discussion of: http://www.learning-theories.com/kellers-arcs-model-of-motivational-design.html
9/20/2010 - The first meeting of this group will be on Monday September 20th at 12:40 in 123 Penfield. The discussion topic has not been settled yet, so feel free to make suggestions for topics, or suggest a reading for us.
Bring a friend!