Learning and Teaching Videos
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Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
- "Develop Hi-Impact Course Improvements for Strengthening Student Learning Outcomes " - Susan Wright, May 26, 2017
- "Trello - Productively manage projects amongst peers Edit" - Daniel Truong, May 25, 2017
- "Learning Activities with Wikis and Blogs" - Doug Hemphill, May 25, 2017
- "The State of Intellectual Integrity on Campus" - Associate Deans, May 25, 2017
- "What does research tell us about clicker use?" - John Kane, May 24, 2017
- "Planning Practical Skills Course: Lessons from Vote Oswego" - Allison Rank, May 23, 2017
- "Using MOOCs for professional development - session 2" - John Kane, May 23, 2017
- "Implementation of make it stick: Retrieval Practice" - Alicia King and Allison Peer, May 23, 2017
- "Implementation of make it stick: Interleaving " - Alicia King and Allison Peer, May 23, 2017
- "Implementation of make it stick: Spaced Practice " - Alicia King and Allison Peer, May 23, 2017
- “Collaborative Project" - Leigh Allison Wilson, May 23, 2017
- "Including a sustainability component in your course" - ATony Contento, Lisa Glidden, and Grace Maxon, May 23, 2017
- "Tools for Flipping the Classroom" - John Kane, May 22, 2017
- "Flipping the Classroom" - John Kane, May 22, 2017
- "Research Assignments Without Thesis Statements: Unleash the Power of Questions" - Jim Nichols, May 22, 2017
- "Student metacognition: do students know what they know? " - John Kane, May 22, 2017
- "Creating Open Educational Resources " - Kristen Munger and Craig Delancey, May 22, 2017
- "Using Open Educational Resources in the Classroom" - Laura Harris, May 22, 2017
- "Introduction to Open Educational Resources & Creative Commons " - Laura Harris, May 22, 2017
- "Calibrated peer review" - John Kane, May 19, 2017
- "I have %4#&s group work! " - Theresa Gilliard-Cook, Kristen Flint and Douglas Hemphill, May 18, 2017
- "Boyer Model and the reality check" - Marcia Burrell, May 17, 2017
- "Are We There Yet? Using Curriculum Mapping to Streamline Assessment" - Laura Donnelly, May 18, 2017
- "SASSY Conversation" - Alicia King and Allison Peer, May 17, 2017
- "Low-stakes testing in Blackboard Learn" - John Kane, January 20, 2017
- "College Ready?: A Discussion with High School and College Educators" - Lyn Blanchfield, Michelle Bishop, Marla Yudin, and Rachel Allen, January 19, 2017
- "Gamify the Classroom" - Rebecca Mushtare, January 18, 2017
- "Adding Meaning to Assessment" - Ola Kraszpulska, Laura Donnelly, Susan Wright, and Preety Tripathi, January 18, 2017
- "Student metacognition: do students know what they know?" - John Kane, January 18, 2017
- "Trigger Warnings: Details and Debates" - Kristen Munger and Kate Wolfe-Lyga, January 17, 2017
- "Implementation strategies based on Make it Stick" - January 17, 2017
- "Panel on Make it Stick" - January 17, 2017
- "Universal Design for Learning" - Carol Willard and Amanda Fenlon, January 17, 2017
- "Fake News, Information Literacy, and ENG 102" - Michael Murphy, January 17, 2017
- "Designing Assignments to Prepare Students for Writing in the Workplace" - Rebecca Mushtare and Stephanie Pritchard, January 17, 2017
- "Calibrated peer review" - John Kane, January 13, 2017
- "Pig Out vs. Gormandize: Exercises to Help Students Understand Word Choices" - Stephanie Pritchard and Steven Smith, January 13, 2017
- "Learning Activities with Wikis and Blogs" - Doug Hemphill, January 12, 2017
- "Vote Oswego: Politics in the Real World" - Allison Rank, January 12, 2017
- "SafeAssign" - Kristen Flint, January 12, 2017
- "The State of Intellectual Integrity on Campus" - Associate Deans, January 12, 2017
- "Tips and tricks to Improve your student evaluations" - Bill Bosch, January 11, 2017
- "Backups" - Dave Kahn, January 11, 2017
- "Office 365" - Dave Kahn, January 11, 2017
- "Common Myths about Teaching and Learning" - John Kane, January 10, 2017
- "Open Educational Resources" - Laura Harris, January 10, 2017
- "Building Accessible Presentations" - Rebecca Mushtare and Kristen Flint, January 10, 2017
- "SASSY Conversation" - Alicia King and Allison Peer, January 10, 2017
- "Accessibility Matters" - Rebecca Mushtare and Kristen Flint, January 10, 2017
- "Creating Rubrics in Blackboard Learn" - Kristen Flint, Kathi Dutton, and Doug Hemphill, January 09, 2017
- "Q&A session on i>clickers" - John Kane, January 09, 2017
- "Peer reviewing in BlackBoard part 2" - Doug Hemphill, January 09, 2017
- "What does research tell us about clicker use?" - John Kane, January 09, 2017
- “Hybrid courses” - Theresa Gilliard-Cook, May 25, 2016
- “Daring to Discuss: Engaging Students in Challenging Topics” - Sharity Bassett, May 25, 2016
- “Responding to Student Writing, Part II” - Stephanie Pritchard, May 25, 2016
- “Moving students beyond the bare minimum” - Theo Rhodes, May 25, 2016
- "Scaffolding Writing Assignments” - Allison Rank, May 25, 2016
- "Using rubrics to provide transparent assessment of student work" - Judith Littlejohn and John Kane, May 23, 2016
- "Teaching Students to Think: Insights from Cognitive Psychology"- Michelle Miller, May 20, 2016
- "Q&A session with Michelle Miller" - Michelle Miller, May 20, 2016
- "A new "golden triangle" for teaching and learning" - Christine Hirsch, May 19, 2016
- "Research-based methods of encouraging long-term learning" - John Kane, May 18, 2016
- "Common Myths about Teaching and Learning" - John Kane, May 18, 2016
- "Free speech: When can it be offensive?" - Scott Steiger, May 18, 2016
- "Explorations of Information Landscapes: Learning and Teaching Scholarly Research and Communication" - Jim Nichols, January 22, 2016
- "Flipping the Classroom" - John Kane, January 21, 2016
- "Crafting Prior Learning Assessment Policy at SUNY Oswego (academic perspective)" - Nan Travers, January 20, 2016
- "Prior Learning Assessment and SUNY Oswego" - Nan Travers, January 20, 2016
- "Hybrid Courses" - Theresa Gilliard-Cook, January 19, 2016
- "Ask a Writing Fellow: Help With Writing Assignments and More" - Judith Belt, Tony Caputa, Bob Early, Ken Nichols, Mike Murphy, Stephanie Pritchard, Melissa Webb, January 15, 2016
- "Maintaing a Classroom Climate that supports Learning" - Starr Wheeler, Patrick Devendorf, Lyn Blanchfield, Lisa Glidden, January 15, 2016
- "Simulations: Course Content in Practice" - Rebecca Mushtare, January 14, 2016
- "Research base methods of encouraging long-term learning" - John Kane, January 13, 2016
- "Common myths about learning and teaching" - John Kane, January 13, 2016
- "What the best college teachers (and students) do" - Bill Bosch, January 12, 2016
- "Responding to Student Writing" - Stephanie Pritchard, January 12, 2016
- "Best Practices from the Lifecycle of an Assessment and Writing Across the Curriculum" - Trevor Jorgensen, Aleksandra Kraszpulska, Mike Murphy, January 12, 2016
- "Principles of Design: The Impact Visual Design has on the Usability and Understandability of Curricular Materials" - Rebecca Mushtare, January 12, 2016
- "Writing Better Writing Assignments" - Allison Rank, January 12, 2016
- "Classroom management" - David Parisian, Paul Tomascak, Liz Dunne Schmitt, January 11, 2016
- "Coherence I. A means to promote self-regulation, energy renewal and optimal performance" - David Parisian, January 11, 2016
- "Calibrated Peer Review" - John Kane, January 11, 2016
- "The Science Behind Test Anxiety and How to Reverse It" - David Parisian, January 11, 2016
- "Student Metacognition: Do students know what they know?" - John Kane, January 11, 2016
- "Easy Pedagogical Practices for Student Motivation and Feedback" - Christine Hirsch, Sarah Bozek and Jenny Rosenberg, October 10, 2015
- "Sketchbook as a Quiz" - Ola Kraszpulska, October 10, 2015
- "Design for the Mind: Strategies from the Psychology of Learning" - Michelle Miller, October 9, 2015
- "Common Myths about Learning and Teaching" - John Kane, September 5, 2014
- "Examples of a Flipped Classroom" - Rameen Mohammadi, May 23, 2014
- "Flipping the Classroom" - John Kane, May 22, 2014
- "August 1863 - Sheldon's "Tipping Point"" - Bob Schell, May 21, 2014
- "Results of the 2013 Writing Across the Curriculum Survey of Students" - Michael Murphy, May 21, 2014
- "The 21st Century Library: Using Library Resources in lieu of Textbooks" - Emily Thompson and Theo Rhodes, May 21, 2014
- "The 21st Century Library: Academic Integrity Roundtable Discussion" - Jim Nichols, Emily Thompson, Michelle Bishop, Brandon West, Ray Morrison, and Karen Shockey, May 21, 2014
- "Introduction to Basic Psychometric Analyses for Improving Instructional Assessment" - Roger Taylor and Kristen Munger, May 20, 2014
- "ORI" - Lisa Glidden and Kevin White, May 20, 2014
- "Student Metacognition: do students know what they know?" - John Kane, May 20, 2014
- "Assessment: The Silent Killer of Innovation"- Eric Mazur, May 19, 2014
- "Confessions of a Converted Lecturer" - Eric Mazur, May 19, 2014
- "Curriculum Mapping and Refining Learning Goals" - presentation by Trevor Jorgensen on 5/9/2014
- "Using an iPad in Music Instruction" - presentation by Trevor Jorgensen on 5/9/2014
- "Who needs a textbook" - Doug Hemphill, February 12, 2014
- "Evaluating Creative Work" - Krista Knight, Laura Donnelly, Juliet Giglio, Trevor Jorgenson, and Richard Metzgar, January 24, 2014
- "Who Needs a Textbook? Creating Your Own Material" - Doug Hemphill, January 24, 2014
- "Meet the Founders: The Women and Men Who Transformed Sheldons Vision into Reality" - Bob Schell, January 22, 2014
- "New Faculty Session" - Chris Hirsch, January 22, 2014
- "Using the Library in Online and Hybrid Instruction" - Brandon West and Jim Nichols, January 21, 2014
- "Blended Learning" - Theresa Gilliard-Cook, Kristen Flint, Doug Hemphill, January 21, 2014
- "Active Learning Instructional Activities" - Doug Hemphill, Januaray 17, 2014
- "Teaching the Questions, Not Just the Answers: A Threshold Concept for Undergraduate Research" - Jim Nichols, January 17, 2014
- "Tools for Flipping a Class" - John Kane, January 16, 2014
- "Examples of Flipped Classrooms" - Rameen Mohammadi, Bill Bosch, Chris Hirsch, January 16, 2014
- "Writing Fellow Program Retrospective: Reflections and Suggestions" - Jim Pangborn, January 15, 2014
- "Creating a Low-Stakes Testing System for Online or Face-to-Face Classes" - John Kane, January 15, 2014
- "Using ANGEL for Algorithmic Problems" - Casey Raymond and Jeff Schneider, January 15, 2014
- "iPad Pilot: Results from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction" - Eric Olson and Sharon Kane, January 15, 2014
- "Panel Presentation on Hybrid Courses" - Rameen Mohammadi and Bill Bosch, January 14, 2014
- "What the Best College Teachers (and Students) Do" - Bill Bosch and John Kane, January 14, 2014
- "Evaluating creative work" - Robert Auler, Laura Donnelly, Julia Giglio, Krista Knight, and Richard Metzgar, September 23, 2011
- "What does research tell us about student learning?" - John Kane, September 6, 2013
- Using clickers in the classroom - John Kane, September 3, 2013
- "Student Reactions to the SOS results" - Jen Knapp, June 3, 2013
- "Panel discussion on clickers" - Liz Dunne Schmitt, Kevin White, John Kane, May 31, 2013
- "What Does Research Tell us About Clicker Use?" - John Kane, May 31, 2013
- "Get your game on! Using play to motivate students and build skills"- Rebecca Mushtare, May 31, 2013
- "Learning from Irrationality" - John Kane, May 31, 2013
- "Storm Chasing" - Scott Steiger, May 31, 2013
- "Question-Discover-Use: Framework and Scaffolds for Learning to Do Research" - Jim Nichols, May 31, 2013
- "Flipping the Classroom" - John Kane and Chris Hirsch, May 30, 2013
- "Osw3go net: A Case Study of an Alternate Reality Game Platform and Course" - Gary Ritzenthaler, May 30, 2013
- "The Second Time Around: Pedagogy and Learning in a COIL course" - Susan Coultrap-McQuin, May 30, 2013
- "Sharing Tips and Tricks to Improve Learning in the classroom"- Bill Bosch and John Kane, May 29, 2013
- "Dealing with Textbook Price Inflation" - Susan Raby, Dave Buske, and Victor Protsak, May 28, 2013
- "Effective Online Discussions" - Paul Tomascak, May 28, 2013
- "Assessment: An Integrated Approach" - Assessment Coordinator Brad Wray, May 28, 2013
- Student Committee on Learning and Teaching (SCOLT) panel presentation - Jen Knapp and Diana Boyer, April 3, 2013
- It's Only Half Built (Part 2 of "You can teach, and teach well, without them learning anything") - Bob Schell. April 2, 2013
- Body Language in the Classroom - Matt Spindler, March 27. 2013
- You can teach, and teach well, without them learning anything - Bob Schell, March 12, 2013
- ESL/International Students: Their Challenges, Our Solutions - Gurdeep Skolnick, February 26, 2013
- "Active Learning Instructional Activities" - Doug Hemphill, January 25, 2013
- "Using Game Structures to Establish Community in a Classroom" - Damian Schofield and Rebecca Mushtare, January 25, 2013
- "Writing in Wikipedia for Teaching and Learning" - Donald Cram and Michelle Bishop, January 25, 2013
- "Flipping the Classroom" - John Kane, January 24, 2013
- "Lessons learned in SUNY Oswego's First COIL class" - Susan Coultrap-McQuin, January 24, 2013
- "The Post-Apocalyptic Classroom: What Hollywood Can Tell Us About Our Students and Ourselves" - Jim Pangborn, January 24, 2013
- "Everyone's Concern: What a Writing Across the Curriculum Fellow Can Do for You and Your Department" - Jim Pangborn, January 24, 2013
- "Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)" - Doug Hemphill, January 23, 2013
- "Teaching and Retention: How Good Teaching Matters"- Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt, January 23, 2013
- "Prezi" - John Kane, January 22, 2013
- "Electronics in the classroom"- Lisa Glidden and Victor Protsak, January 22, 2013
- "Korean Students on Campus: What do We Need to Know to Improve Teaching, Learning and Services?"- Dr. Taejin Jung (Communication Studies), Dr. Minjung Seo (Health Promotion and Wellness), and Dr. Joshua McKeown (Director of International Education and Programs, January 22, 2013
- "Fostering effective discussion in online courses"- Susan Skripac Camp (via Skype) & Paul Tomascak, January 18, 2013
- "Tips to improve student evaluations and learning in your classroom"- Bill Bosch and John Kane, January 18, 2013
- "Meet Dr. Sheldon" - Bob Schell, January 18, 2013
- Reflections on Randy Pausch's "Last Lecture"- Scott Steiger, Wednesday, January 16, 2013
- The Assessment of Student Learning: An Integrated Approach - Brad Wray, Tuesday, November 13, 2012
- Using a Mastery Learning Quizzing System in ANGEL - John Kane, Thursday, November 8, 2012
- "Reacting to the Past: A new pedagogy for engaging students" - Anthony Contento, Thursday, October 25, 2012
- "Classroom Attitudes: Getting Beyond Us vs. Them" - Christine Hirsch and Jennifer Knapp, October 26, 2012
- "Grading and Responding to Student Writing: More Learning, Less Time " - Barbara Walvoord, October 19, 2012
- "Developing a COIL class" - Jon Rubin, Friday, September 28, 2012
- "Discussion of: The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to our Brains " - Tracy Lewis, February 23, 2012
- "Maximizing Cooperative Learning" - Matt Spindler, February 10, 2012
- "Best Practices in Online Instruction" - Greg Ketcham, February 1, 2012
- "Applying for CIG grants" - Diana Boyer, November 17, 2011
- "Pitfalls and Joys of Clickers in the Classroom" - Bill Goffe, November 8, 2011
- "iPad Apps for Faculty" - John Kane and Casey Raymond, November 4, 2011
- "Alternatives to Lecture" - Bill Goffe, October 27, 2011
- "Assessment; Clear, Simple, and USEFUL" - Barbara Walvoord, October 26, 2011
- "HCI Student projects - John McCartney, Dan Cutler, and Matthew Anderson, October 15, 2011
- "Adopt a School: SCMA and the Kingsford Park Elementary School project in Oswego Architecture and History"- Lisa Langlois - October 15, 2011.
- "Current Topics in Engaged Learning" - Susan Camp, Mathew Spindler, Paul Roodin, Pam Heintz -October 15, 2011
- "SUNY-Oswego Global Laboratory" - Shashi M. Kanbur, Cleane Medeiros, and Lorrie Clemo - October 15, 2011
- "Logistics for Peer-evaluated Poster Presentation Events" - Donald Cram - October 15, 2011
- 2011 Poster session - SUNY-Oswego Symposium on Learning and Teaching
- "Killing Grass and Moving Dirt: A Perspective on Community-Engaged Scholarship" - Marybeth Lima - October 14, 2011
- "Student Grant Workshop for Scholarly and Creative Activities: How to Prepare for SCAC Grants?" - Dr. Carolina Ilie (SCAC) and Dr. Barb Garii (IRB-HSC), October 6, 2011
- "ANGEL Gradebook" - Greg Ketcham, September 15, 2011
- "Project SMART" - Marcia Burrell, April 18, 2011
- "Value Added Assessment: Measuring Student Learning in General Education" - Bray Wray, March 23, 2011
- "Going Green: Using eBook Adaptations to Save Trees and Help Students Save Greenbacks." - Joe Moreau, Rameem Mohammadi and John Kane, March 4, 2011
- "Simulated Education: Do You Learn More When Your Life Is In Danger?" - Damian Schofield, March 7, 2011
- "Preparing Electronic Portfolios for Retention, Promotion and Tenure" - Mark Hardy, December 10, 2010
- "Busting the Myths of Assessment" - Jennifer Knapp, November 3, 2010
- "Riding the Cycle of Assessment" - Brad Wray, October 22, 2010
- "Applying for Curriculum Innovation Grants" - Paul Tomascak, October 13, 2010
- "Implementing Service Learning in the classroom - version 2" - panel, April 29, 2010
- "Implementing Service Learning in the classroom - version 1" - panel, April 28, 2010
- "An Intermediate Level Astronomy Class Centered Around Hubble's Law" - Shashi Kanbur, March 12, 2010
- "Synchronous Distance Learning Platform" - Greg Ketcham, March 8, 2010
- "A Variety of ways to Improve Learning" - Bill Bosch, March 5, 2010
- "Beyond the Beyond: Acting on a Learning-Centered College"- Jim Nichols, Feb 26, 2010
- "What Do Students Say?: Results of the WAC Survey of Undergraduates on Writing." - Michael Murphy, November 20, 2009
- "Proven Ways to Improve Your Student Evaluations" - Bill Bosch, November 16, 2009
- "Achieving Excellence: Serving Underrepresented Students" - Elyzabeth Wengert, Director of OLS and Dr. Adrianne Morton, Director of the McNair Scholars and the C-Step program, November 13, 2009
- "Performance-based Learning" Michael "Bodhi" Rogers, September 25, 2009
- Increase Student Motivation, Learning and Retention: The Significant Impact of Instructor Immediacy" - Kristen Elchhorn and Jennifer Knapp, April 27, 2009
- "Concept Mapping" - Marcia Burrell and Matt Spindler, April 8, 2009
- "Involving Undergraduates in Astronomical Research: a Case Study" - Shashi Kanbur, March 2, 2009
- "Involving Undergraduates in Astronomical Research: a Case Study" - Shashi Kanbur, March 2, 2009
- "Cognition Prints: Web 2.0 in Teaching and Learning" - Gardner Cambell, keynote address at Oswego Symposium on Learning and Teaching, October 16, 2008
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