2016 Winter breakout workshops
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Monday, January 11
Session 1
Time: 9:00 - 9:50
Session Title: Blackboard Learn Open Session
Presenters: Kathi Dutton, Kristen Flint, and Douglas Hemphill
Room: MCC 206
This hands-on workshop is an open session where the Blackboard Learn support team will work with you to prepare your course(s) for the upcoming semester. We will begin the session with a short Q&A session to address general questions, then work with you individually to address your course specific questions and concerns.
Session 2
Time: 9:00 - 9:50
Session Title: What can the library website do for you?
Presenter: Emily Mitchell
Room: MCC 208
Have you ever been frustrated that you or your students can’t do something on Penfield Library’s website? Come learn the ins and outs of the library website--and give your wishlist to the Webmaster Librarian.
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Session 3
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Session Title: Student metacognition: do students know what they know?
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
In this session, research findings concerning student metacognition will be examined, This will be followed by a discussion of alternative strategies that may be used to help students improve their metacognition.
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Session 4
Time: 11:00 - 11:50
Session Title: Learning How to Learn: Using a MOOC and cognitive research to create a transformative environment for student learning.
Presenter: David Parisian
Room: MCC 206
This session will provide an overview of the findings of student perceptions of study skills and how they were modified by using content from Coursera MOOC: Learning How to Learn, and the findings from “Make it Stick” by Peter Brown, within a college course. Students learn the difference between learning products and learning processes and are shown study skills that work to increase their performance and change their ineffective study habits to effective, research-proven study habits.
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Session 5
Time: 11:00 - 11:50
Session Title: BOUNCE Into a Healthier Lifestyle This New Year
Presenter: Amy Bidwell
Room: MCC 208
Ever wonder why you cannot lose weight no matter how hard you try? Feeling tired all the time? Don't have time to exercise? Always craving those sugary foods? Learn strategies to combat all of these day to day obstacles that may be impeding on your ability to maintain a happy, healthy lifestyle.
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Session 6
Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Session Title: The Science Behind Test Anxiety and How To Reverse It
Presenter: David Parisian
Room: MCC 206
This session will provide an overview of test anxiety and the interconnectedness of the heart and brain through the autonomic nervous system and how this communication pathway can yield increase cortical facilitation through the process of coherence.
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Session 7
Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Session Title: Calibrated peer review
Presenter: John Kane
Room: Shineman 448
This workshop will examine the calibrated peer review software that SUNY-Oswego is evaluating this year. An overview of the calibrated peer review process will be presented. A discussion of lessons learned from two semesters of use and a discussion of student reactions (from a survey of over 300 students) will also be provided.
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Session 8
Time: 2:00 - 2:50
Session Title: Coherence I: A means to promote self-regulation, energy renewal and optimal performance
Presenter: David Parisian
Room: MCC 206
This session will provide a discussion of the research at the institute of HeartMath regarding stress and its role in the body and the regenerative emotions that can reverse the effects and recharge the body. The psychophysiology state of coherence will be introduced and how this leads to resiliency, more intelligent self-energy management and optimal performance.
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Session 9
Time: 2:00 - 2:50
Session Title: Creating a calibrated peer review assignment
Presenter: John Kane
Room: Shineman 448
This session is a hands-on session in which faculty considering the use of the calibrated peer review system for the spring 2016 semester will create one or more peer-reviewed assignments. This requires that participants have an instructor account on the calibrated peer review server. If you do not yet have an account, please register for the workshop at least 3-4 days before the workshop so that an account can be created.
Session 10
Time: 3:00 - 3:50
Session Title: Classroom management
Presenter: David Parisian, Paul Tomascak, Liz Dunne Schmitt
Room: MCC 206
This panel discussion will focus on methods of encouraging a productive learning environment in the classroom.
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Session 11
Time: 3:00 - 3:50
Session Title: Using rubrics to provide transparent assessment of student work
Presenters: Judith Littlejohn, Instructional Designer at GCC and John Kane
Room: Shineman 448
This workshop will discuss the role that rubrics in Blackboard Learn may play in making it clear to students how their work will be (and how it has been) evaluated by their instructor. A short demonstration of how to create and use a rubric will be provided. You may also view this session on YouTube by clicking on the media player below (or by clicking here).
Tuesday, January 12
Session 12
Time: 9:00 - 10:20
Session Title: Getting Started in Second Life
Presenter: John Kane
Room: Shineman 448
In this hands-on session, individuals will create an avatar in Second Life, learn how to create and customize the appearance of an avatar and how to navigate around this virtual world. Participants will learn how to communicate and how to find people, places, and events occurring in this virtual environment. Participants will receive a tour of the SUNY-Oswego island and will explore the HCI building, the CELT building and movie theater, a technology class project site, a replica of the Japan Pavilion at the Columbian Exposition of 1893, and visit Richard Zakin's art exhibit and video presentation in the virtual SUNY-Oswego art gallery. Participants may wish to bring their own laptops.
Session 13
Time: 9:30 - 10:20
Session Title: Writing better writing assignments
Presenter: Allison Rank
Room: MCC 206
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Session 14
Time: 10:30 - 11:50
Session Title: Principles of Design: The Impact Visual Design has on the Usability and Understandability of Curricular Materials
Presenter: Rebecca Mushtare
Room: MCC 206
This session will introduce basic principles of design including tips on organization, hierarchy and typography. This session will focus on applying the concepts introduced to actual course materials. Participants are encouraged to bring an existing assignment sheet or syllabus to redesign during the session.
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Session 15
Time: 10:30 - 11:50 am
Session Title: Best Practices from the Lifecycle of an Assessment and Writing Across the Curriculum
Presenters: Trevor Jorgensen, Aleksandra Kraszpulska, and Mike Murphy
Room: MCC 208
This panel discussion will address folding assessment into curricular planning, data gathering, analysis, reporting, and “closing the loop” with an action plan resulting from completing an assessment cycle. Discussion of best practices will address such topics as assessing advanced expository writing, curriculum mapping, refining learning outcomes, designing artifacts, and ways to improve assessment reporting.
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Session 16
Time: 1:00 - 2:20
Session Title: Responding to student writing
Presenter: Stephanie Pritchard
Room: MCC 206
This workshop will provide information about effectively responding to student writing by discussing types of feedback and minimal marking strategies.
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Session 17
Time: 1:00 - 2:20
Session Title: Panel on online teaching
Presenters: Irene Scruton and others TBA
Room: MCC 208
Experienced online faculty will share examples of what they have found to be most helpful as well as challenges faced in teaching online. This will be followed by a question and answer / discussion session.
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Session 18
Time: 2:30 - 2:50
Session Title: Five essential elements of online learning
Presenters: Greg Ketcham and Jill Pippin
Room: MCC 208
Online courses continue to proliferate, and the need to engage and retain learners is growing in parallel. SUNY Oswego's instructional design team will be working with faculty to create new instructional elements that support engagement. Learn about these elements, the supports to create them, and our timeline for rollout.
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Session 19
Time: 2:30 - 3:50
Session Title: What the best college teachers (and students) do
Presenter: Bill Bosch
Room: MCC 206
This workshop will discuss Ken Bain's findings (reported in What the Best College Teachers Do and What the Best College Students Do) concerning best practices in teaching and learning. More information on Ken Bain's work is available here: https://sites.google.com/a/oswego.edu/bain/
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Wednesday, January 13
Session 20
Time: 9:00 - 9:50
Session Title: What does research tell us about clicker use?
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 206
This workshop will examine some of the findings concerning the effect of clicker use on student learning outcomes. An overview of best practice will be provided. This workshop is designed for those who are considering using clickers in their classroom.
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Session 21
Session Title: Panel on courses with domestic travel
NOTE: Session has merged with sessions 23 and 25 and will start at 10am. Please register for session 23.
Session 22
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Session Title: Panel session of i>clicker users
Presenter: Liz Dunne Schmitt, and ?
Room: MCC 206
Faculty that used i>clickers will begin this session by briefly discussing their experiences. This session is designed for those that are considering the use of clickers during future semesters. If you have questions about the use of clickers, stop by and discuss them with colleagues that have been using them.
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Session 23
Time: 10:00 - 11:20
Session Title: Courses with Travel Components: Domestic and International
Presenters: Juan Lamanna, Laura Donnelly, Michael Riecke, Rebecca Mushtare
Room: MCC 208
This session will focus on designing and running courses with travel components. Emphasis will be placed on lessons learned from teaching courses with travel and on designing assignments for courses with travel. Session will include a 20min discussion/Q&A.
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Session 24
Time: 11:00 - 11:50
Session Title: Integrating i>clicker and Blackboard
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 206
This workshop is designed for those that plan to use i>clickers during the Spring 2016 semester. Bring a usb drive on which you will store the software needed to run i>clicker. During this workshop, we will set up the Blackboard integration that allows students to register their i>clicker's id number and set up the software needed to automatically upload clicker scores into your online course gradebook.
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Session 25
Session Title: Panel on courses with international travel
NOTE: Session has merged with sessions 21 and 23 and will start at 10am. Please register for session 23.
Session 26
Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Session Title: Easily Create and Give Presentations From Anywhere with Google Drive Presentations
Presenter: Nicholas Ross
Room: MCC 202
In this session, you will create a presentation similar to PowerPoint using the Presentation application in Google Drive. See how to easily create slides, insert images, add animations and transitions. Work on it from anywhere, share it with others that need to work or comment on it, review the changes they have made and if necessary revert to an earlier revision. When you are ready for the actual presentation, present it over the Internet, download it as a PowerPoint and/or publish it to the Web.
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Session 27
Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Session Title: Common Myths about Teaching and Learning
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
In this session, we will discuss some of the most common misperceptions that many faculty and students share about teaching and learning. Some of these myths are harmless, but others result in behavior that significantly reduces long-term knowledge retention and transfer.
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Session 28
Time: 2:00 - 2:50
Session Title: Adobe Creative Cloud
Presenter: Nicole Decker
Room: MCC 202
The Adobe Creative Cloud suite is available to install on all SUNY-owned computers as well as faculty and staff home computers. This workshop will review how you can install the product on campus computers. It will also review how you can purchase it for $10 to install on faculty or staff personal computers.
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Session 29
Time: 2:00 - 2:50
Session Title: Research-based methods of encouraging long-term learning
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
This is a follow-up to the previous workshop on "Common Myths about Learning and Teaching." The focus of this session will be on methods that enhance student ability to retain and apply the skills and knowledge acquired in our classes. Particular focus is placed on instructional methods that have been demonstrated as being effective in increasing long-term learning, including:
- frequent low-stakes testing (including mastery learning quizzing, clicker questions, etc)
- peer instruction
- interleaved practice
- spaced practice
- authentic assessment
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Session 30
Time: 3:00 - 3:50
Session Title: Virtual Apps for Oswego: Any Device, Any App, Anywhere....The Workshop
Presenter: Dave Kahn
Room: MCC 206
Citrix is the industry’s leading solution for application delivery. The application allows CTS to "stream" Windows applications to classrooms, labs, and more. Find out more on what Citrix is, as well as, get an in depth look on how to print, save files, and access apps from any device. Attendees will need a valid LakerNet ID and are encouraged to bring their own devices (laptops, iPads, Chrome, etc). Lab computers will be available to all.
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Session 31
Time: 3:00 - 3:50
Session Title: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): What is it and how can I integrate it into my class?
Presenters: Amy McHugh and Doug Hemphill
Room: MCC 208
We will discuss what COIL is and how it has been successfully integrated into a number of courses.
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Thursday, January 14
Session 32
Time: 9:00 - 9:20
Session Title: Tips and Tricks with Gmail’s New Compose Feature
Presenter: Andy Goldzweig
Room: MCC 202
This session will give some tips and tricks with using the Gmail Compose feature. We will review some drag and drop features with email recipients and attachments, keeping sane with formatting especially when copying and pasting into your message, attaching Google Drive documents, sending calendar invites and working with inline images.
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Session 33
Time: 9:00 - 9:20
Session Title: The Secret Life of Students - Utilizing smartwatches and experience sampling to understand students’ activities and affective states
Presenter: Roger Taylor
Room: MCC 208
The brief session will discuss ongoing research using smartwatches to measure undergraduate students' activities and emotional states both within and outside of the classroom. We are looking to have a more diverse sample of undergraduate students and partner with professors from across a wide range of departments on campus.
Session 34
Time: 9:30 - 9:50
Session Title: Reading Your Email More Efficiently with LakerApps Gmail
Presenter: Andy Goldzweig
Room: MCC 202
Are you reading email in the classic style where all your messages are clumped all together including ones you don't really care about? Do you wish there was a way to dedicate your valuable time to the most important messages first? This workshop will teach you how to use Gmail's inbox styles and importance tags to separate out your most important messages.
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Session 35
Time: 9:30 - 9:50
Session Title: The Creativity Lab and Digital OZ
Presenters: Leigh Wilson, Stephanie Pritchard, Sarah Colletta
Room: MCC 208
This session will provide a brief overview of the work students are doing in The Creativity Lab, The Smart Neighbors Project, and a tour of Digital OZ.
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Session 36
Time: 10:00 - 10:20
Session Title: Labels and Filters - Automatically Organize Emails in Google Mail
Presenter: Andy Goldzweig
Room: MCC 202
This session will teach you how to create and manage labels, automatically apply them to certain messages, and let you decide how they appear in your mailbox. For those frequent, but not immediately useful emails, we’ll show you how to create a filter that automatically; applies a label, archives it, skips the inbox, and marks it as read. The techniques taught in this workshop will allow you to better control and organize how messages appear in your mailbox by creating these custom labels and filters.This session will teach you how to create and manage labels, automatically apply them to certain messages, and let you decide how they appear in your mailbox. For those frequent, but not immediately useful emails, we'll show you how to create a filter that automatically: applies a label, archives it, skips the inbox, and marks it as read. The techniques taught in this workshop will allow you to better control and organize how messages appear in you mailbox by creating these custom labels and filters.
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Session 37
Time: 10:30 - 10:50
Session Title: Detecting and Reporting Spam and Phishing Scams with LakerApps Gmail
Presenter: Nicholas Sperduti
Room: MCC 202
Raise your information security awareness by learning the differences between spam and phishing scams. As we review examples of each, you will become an expert at detecting them. But, that's not enough. We’ll show you how to take the next step and help all Gmail users by correctly reporting them to Google.
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Session 38
Time: 11:00 - 11:20
Session Title: Using LakerApps Calendar Invitations To Productively Schedule Meetings
Presenter: Nicholas Ross
Room: MCC 202
Is your typical way of scheduling a meeting emailing participants and asking for their availability? Learn how to use LakerApps Calendar to view participants’ schedules and efficiently schedule a meeting without having to ask for their availability. Then send them an email invitation with the click of a button.
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Session 39
Time: 11:30 - 11:50
Session Title: Free classroom polling options
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 202
This hands-on workshop will examine how Socrative and PollEverywhere may be used to provide increased student engagement, more learning, and more immediate feedback on learning.
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Session 40
Time: 1:00 - 1:20
Session Title: Basics of video recording and editing using iMovie on iOS
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 210
Participants in this session will explore the basics of using iMovie on iPads and iPhones.
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Session 41
Time: 1:30 - 1:50
Session Title: Accessing files anywhere: free cloud storage options for mobile (and nonmobile) devices
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 210
This session will begin by examining how college-related files stored in Google Drive may be accessed and edited from any device. Other free cloud storage options such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Mega, Copy, Mediafire (for media files only), and Flickr (for photos and short videos) may be used to provide additional storage.
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Session 42
Time: 2:00 - 2:20
Session Title: Editing Microsoft Office documents anywhere using iOS, Android, or Win 8 mobile devices
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 210
This workshop presentation will examine a variety of tools that may be used to edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents on iPads, iPhones, Android, and Win 8 smartphones and tablets.
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Session 43
Time: 2:30 - 2:50
Session Title: Simulations: Course Content in Practice
Presenter: Rebecca Mushtare
Room: MCC 208
Simulated real world experiences are an opportunity for beginning and intermediate students to connect course content to practice in a low risk environment. Simulations do not require any special technology and allow students to fail safely and provide the opportunity to correct course and try again. Students welcome opportunities to put theory into practice and the opportunity to develop skills they will use as a professional. I will use the "Simulated Client Project" from Art 317 Web Media 1 as a case study to review lessons learned about designing simulations.
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Session 44
Time: 2:30 - 2:50
Session Title: Evernote
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 210
This workshop provides an introduction to Evernote, a multimedia storage and organizational tool available on desktops and mobile devices.
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Session 45
Time: 3:00 - 4:00
Session Title: Michelle Miller reading group kick-off
Presenters: John Kane and Rebecca Mushtare
Room: MCC 206
Copies of Minds Online: Teaching Effectively with Technology will be distributed to those who have signed up for the Spring 2016 CELT reading group. Volunteers to help lead the discussion for the first week of meetings will also be solicited at this meeting.
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Friday, January 15
Session 46
Time: 9:00 - 10:20
Session Title: Active shooter training
Presenter: John Rossi
Room: MCC 306
Chief John Rossi will provide a training session for faculty and staff on dealing with active shooter situations during this session.
Session 47
Time: 9:00 - 10:20
Session Title: Explore Digital Accessibility
Presenter: Rebecca Mushtare
Room: Shineman 448
The focus of this session will be on universal access and not on disability. Participants will have the opportunity to experiment with and try a variety of methods, tools and technologies students use to access content provided online to gain a clearer understanding of the roadblocks students face when using course materials. Participants will also be introduced to free and easy to use tools to evaluate online course materials through the lens of accessibility.
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Session 48
Time: 10:30 - 11:50
Session Title: Maintaining a Classroom Climate that Supports Learning
Presenter: TBD
Room: MCC 306
Invisible barriers prevent many students from accessing a productive learning experience. Presenters will share strategies for evaluating the classroom climate, removing barriers, and maintaining a healthy and supportive learning environment.
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Session 49
Time: 10:30 - 11:20
Session Title: Blackboard Learn Open Session
Presenters: Kathi Dutton, Kristen Flint, and Douglas Hemphill
Room: Shineman 448
This hands-on workshop is an open session where the Blackboard Learn support team will work with you to prepare your course(s) for the upcoming semester. We will begin the session with a short Q&A session to address general questions, then work with you individually to address your course specific questions and concerns.
Session 50
Time: 1:00 - 2:20
Session Title: Ask A Writing Fellow: Help With Writing Assignments and More
Presenters: Judith Belt, Tony Caputa, Bob Early, Ken Nichols, Mike Murphy, Stephanie Pritchard, Melissa Webb
Room: MCC 306
Looking for ideas regarding writing assignments and activities? Need help with any other writing-related aspects of your teaching? The WAC Writing Fellows will help faculty as they plan for the spring semester.
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Session 51
Time: 1:00 - 2:20
Session Title: Fourth generation time management
Presenter: Tammy Anderson
Room: MCC 323
This session will offer tools to help you to self-assess your current time management habits and practices. The lessons learned in this session will enable you to focus your time more effectively and find greater success in both your personal and professional life.
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Session 52
Time: 2:30 - 3:50
Session Title: Google hangouts
Presenter: John Kane
Room: Shineman 448
This hands-on session will focus on how the enhanced group text, audio, and video communication capabilities provided by Google Hangouts can be used to facilitate collaborative student (and/or faculty and staff) work, conduct online office hours, and facilitate guest lectures.
With the activation of Google Hangouts in the oswego.edu domain last year, we have a powerful tool to conduct text, voice, phone, or video conferences. Hangouts may be initiated from a computer or an iOS or Android device. Video calls initiated from a campus account are capped at 15 simultaneous users.
In this session, we will demonstrate how:
- Google Hangouts may be enabled on your computer (it is helpful, but not required, for participants to bring a laptop or an Android or iOS phone or tablet and headphones)
- to initiate and invite others to a hangout,
- to invite people to join a hangout from their phone,
- to join existing hangouts.
Educational uses of Google Hangouts for collaborative work, guest lectures, and online office hours will be discussed.
We will also demonstrate how a Google hangout-on-air may be set up to allow for live streaming and recording of Google hangouts.
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Tuesday, January 19
Session 53
Time: 9:00 - 10:20
Session Title: Starfish
Presenters: Rameen Mohammadi and Michelle Bandla
Room: MCC 202
A hands-on workshop on the Starfish Early Alert Initiative.
Session 54
Time: 9:00 - 10:20
Session Title: Supporting Students through Mentorship
Presenters: Richard Metzgar, Denise Dirienzo, and Lyn Blanchfield
Room: MCC 208
This session will focus on mentoring students as they transition into professionals. Resources available to students (Center for Experiential Learning, grants, fellowships, etc.) will be highlighted in addition to discussing the role of the mentor and best practices.
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Session 55
Time: 10:30 - 11:50
Session Title: Creating mathematical problems in Blackboard Learn
Presenter: Casey Raymond
Room: MCC 202
This session will focus on techniques to create mathematical problems in Blackboard. This will include random value answers, numerical multiple choice questions, and other problems requiring multiple dependent variables. A reasonable knowledge of spreadsheets will be helpful. The first portion of the session will introduce participants to the techniques. The latter portion will be for participants to create their own questions, so please bring a handwritten problem and solution.
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Session 56
Time: 10:30 - 11:50
Session Title: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Presenter: Allison Rank, Sharon Kane, Rebecca Mushtare
Room: MCC 208
Every discipline has a special group/organizations dedicated to teaching and learning within the discipline. There are opportunities for innovative teachers to share their work and research as teachers at conferences and in publications. This session will get you started down the path of publishing and presenting about the work you do in the classroom and will explore ways that CELT can help support faculty in their endeavors related to the scholarship of teaching and learning. Join us to find, discover and develop the community of scholars on our campus dedicated to researching and studying teaching and learning in their discipline.
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Session 57
Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Session Title: Advisement Bootcamp
Presenters: Raihan Khan, Jen Knapp, Kris Munger, and Paul Tomascak
Room: MCC 202
Essential information for individuals who serve in academic advisement positions, whether you have been advising for a while or are just beginning. We will go over rules and deadlines, all-college requirements, Registrar forms, and participants will take part in hands-on exercises to use Degree Works productively.
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Session 58
Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Session Title: Blackboard Learn Open Session
Presenters: Kathi Dutton, Kristen Flint, and Douglas Hemphill
Room: MCC 206
This hands-on workshop is an open session where the Blackboard Learn support team will work with you to prepare your course(s) for the upcoming semester. We will begin the session with a short Q&A session to address general questions, then work with you individually to address your course specific questions and concerns.
Session 59
Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Session Title: Hybrid courses
Presenter: Theresa Gilliard-Cook
Room: MCC 208
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Session 60
Time: 2:00 - 2:50
Session Title: New in Degree Works - Plans
Presenter: Jerret LeMay
Room: MCC 202
The new "Plans" tab in Degree Works allows advisors to create semester-by-semester plans for students. Plans can either be built from scratch or by using 8-semester templates. Courses specified in Plans are validated against the student degree audit, as well as prerequisite structures and "when offered" data. They automatically import into the new registration interface where students can use them to find sections and register for courses.
Session 61
Time: 2:00 - 2:50
Session Title: Using Technology for Authentic Assessments
Presenter: Ritu Radhakrishnan
Room: MCC 206
Participants will be introduced to alternative ways to assess students, both formally and informally, in higher education. Participants will be asked to engage in technology through a laptop, tablet, etc. Participants will also create one new evaluative tool and receive resources.
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Session 62
Time: 3:00 - 4:00
Session Title: Low-stakes testing in Blackboard Learn
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 202
In this hands-on session, participants will examine how low-stakes testing in Blackboard Learn can enhance student learning without requiring instructor time for grading. In this workshop session, participants will create a test pool and use this to generate random blocks of questions. Students feedback options for low-stakes quizzes will be examine.
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Session 63
Time: 3:00 - 4:00
Session Title:
Movie Design and the Basics of Video Production
Presenter: Jacob Dodd
Room: MCC 206
This session will be a hands on workshop that introduces the essential elements of planning, lighting, sound mixing, and editing a short movie. Participants will also learn how to design creative and collaborative video projects that will engage students in a variety of disciplines.
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Wednesday, January 20
Session 64
Time: 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Session Title: Prior Learning Assessment and SUNY Oswego
Presenter: Nan Travers (ESC)
Room: 114 Marano Campus Center
Please join Dr. Nan Travers, SUNY Empire State as she discusses the purpose and benefits of Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) and options for SUNY Oswego. The workshop will provide a background in prior learning assessment, including a summary of the research, current best practices across the country and considerations for implementing and improving PLA. Then discussion will turn to consider opportunities for PLA at SUNY Oswego.
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a term used for the various methods that postsecondary institutions employ to evaluate a student’s experiential learning for college credit. Students who come to higher education with considerable work, military, and other life experiences benefit when the learning that they have acquired from these experiences can be evaluated for college credit. Adult students are much more likely to attend college with an established PLA program and studies show they are 2.5 times more likely to complete their degree if credit for prior learning is applied.
SUNY Oswego has offered Prior Learning Assessment opportunities for students with experience outside of the classroom for years, some more successfully than others. As SUNY Oswego launches the next phase of the Metro Center branch campus, implements new retention strategies, and hopes to attract more adult students and those that “stop out” of college into courses so they can complete degrees, it is important that SUNY Oswego craft an official policy and suite of options that are widely understood so faculty, advisers and students clearly know the options available to them and the appropriate structure is in place to evaluate experience and potentially award credit.
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Session 65
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Session Title: Crafting Prior Learning Assessment Policy at SUNY Oswego
Presenter: Nan Travers (ESC)
Room: 114 Marano Campus Center.
Following the morning overview (Session 64), faculty are invited to discuss, in more depth, the academic structures and assessment of learning outcomes for PLA at SUNY Oswego. Dr. Travers will present industry best practices and data to consider when determining how the use of PLA intersects (or doesn’t) with your degree programs and course offerings.
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Session 66
Time: 1:00 - 2:20
Session Title: Oswego’s graduates change the world
Presenter: Bob Schell
Room: MCC 210
All that Edward Austin Sheldon wanted to do was to find a source of competent and creative teachers for the schools of Oswego, New York. He never dreamed that the nine teachers enrolled in the Oswego Primary Teachers’ Training School to attend classes in a school cloakroom in 1861 would start a movement that would transform the world. Within 25 years, there were 948 graduates who wrote articles, textbooks, and manuals, migrated everywhere, and founded normal schools molded after Oswego’s plan in New York, Michigan, Washington, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Massachusetts, and Maine, as well as Argentina, Mexico, and Japan. Indeed, the modern educational system of Argentina was fashioned through the leadership of women graduates of Oswego. They journeyed south at the end of the Civil War to found freedmen’s schools. Mary, Sheldon’s daughter, revolutionized the teaching of history. In this session, we will meet some of the fascinating, courageous graduates who took the spark that Sheldon had struck and used it to set the world on fire.
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Session 67
Time: 1:30 - 2:20
Session Title: Blackboard Learn Open Session
Presenters: Kathi Dutton, Kristen Flint, and Douglas Hemphill
Room: MCC 206
This hands-on workshop is an open session where the Blackboard Learn support team will work with you to prepare your course(s) for the upcoming semester. We will begin the session with a short Q&A session to address general questions, then work with you individually to address your course specific questions and concerns.
Session 68
Time: 2:30 - 3:20
Session Title: Blackboard Learn Grade Center*
Presenter: Kristen Flint, Doug Hemphill, and Kathi Dutton
Room: MCC 206
This workshop provides an introduction to the Grade Center in the Blackboard Learn learning management system. After an overview of the Blackboard Learn Grade Center, we will offer one-on-one consulting to assist you in setting up your gradebook in Blackboard.
*Attending a Blackboard Learn WS 1 or WS 2 session or prior experience using Blackboard Learn is helpful.
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Session 69
Time: 2:30 - 4:00
Session Title: Thinking about Retirement?
Presenter: members of the Emeriti Association
Room: MCC 210
How do I decide when to retire? How should I prepare for the day after I retire? What are the benefits and challenges I may face in retirement? What lifestyle changes come with retirement? What are the psychological issues of retirement? How should I prepare to deal with the new medical issues that usually appear in retirement? Come and converse with several members of the SUNY Emeriti Association about our experiences in approaching, achieving, and thriving in retirement. Our insights may help others to plan and prepare to enter retirement optimistically and successfully.
Thursday, January 21
Session 70
Time: 9:00 - 9:20
Session Title: Flipping the Classroom
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
This session will provide an introductory discussion of possibilities for "flipping the classroom." Under this approach, low-level tasks and assignments are completed by students outside of class and class time is devoted to individual and/or group work on higher cognitive level tasks. This approach might use such tools as just-in-time teaching and team-based learning.
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Session 71
Time: 9:30 - 9:50
Session Title: Tools for Flipping the Classroom
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
This workshop will provide a quick overview of tools that are available to support the construction of flipped classrooms. This discussion will cover both content creation tools such as Jing, Camtasia, Panopto, Explain Everything as well as online content sources such as Khan Academy, Merlot, MOOCs, open access educational sites, and YouTube.
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Session 72
Time: 10:00 - 10:20
Session Title: Using YouTube to generate closed captioning to meet accessibility standards for video content
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
This workshop will demonstrate how YouTube's automatic captioning service may be used to automatically create closed captioning to meet accessibility standards for short videos. This is particularly useful for faculty creating video content to support a flipped classroom.
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Session 73
Time: 10:30 - 10:50
Session Title: Using Panopto to Share Videos in Blackboard
Presenter: Dan Laird
Room: MCC 208
In this session we will show you how simple it is to setup Panopto in your Blackboard course to share videos with your students.
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Session 74
Time: 11:00 - 11:20
Session Title: Ensemble Video – What It Is & How to Use It
Presenter: Natalie Sturr
Room: MCC 208
Do you have a video or a collection of videos you’d like to have on the web? Possibly you wish to showcase student work. Ensemble Video might the solution you need. Not only does it allow you to store your videos, but it streams the videos to users. Yes – it really does stream videos! Come see how Ensemble Video is being used on-campus to deliver videos to web pages. Get a behind-the-scenes tour and see how easy it is to add videos & make them available.
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Session 75
Time: 11:30 - 11:50
Session Title: Creating and managing your Google Scholar profile / track your citations
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 202
Google Scholar has indexed most peer-reviewed articles, working papers, books, and other scholarly publications published in the last 40 years. In this workshop, each participant will create a Google Scholar profile containing a searchable listing of his or her publications. This also provides a convenient tool to track your citations.
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Session 76
Time: 1:00 - 1:20
Session Title: Tips and tricks to Improve your student evaluations
Presenter: Bill Bosch
Room: MCC 206
Bill Bosch, the founder and long -time Director of CELT at Oswego will provide a collection of suggestions for strategies that improve your student evaluations, student motivation, engagement and learning.
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Session 77
Time: 1:00 - 1:20
Session Title: Backchannels
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
Backchannels are real-time online communications that occurs in conjunction with a group activity such as a class presentation or discussion, guest speaker, or performance. A wide variety of mobile and web-based apps may be used for private or public backchannels. Among these are: Twitter, Socrative, Poll Everywhere, TodaysMeet, and Padlet. These tools can give every student a voice in a discussion. This session will focus on a discussion of how these tools can enrich class activities and keep the discussion going beyond the classroom.
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Session 78
Time: 1:30 - 2:20
Session Title: Social Media Myths and Realities: How to Navigate and Promote
Presenter: Tim Nekritz
Room: MCC 206
Is Facebook “dead”? Are “Millennials” only interested in self-absorbed selfies? Is Yik Yak strictly the seamy underbelly of the Internet? Does anybody really know what the “next big thing” is social media is? Is there a “secret sauce” for social? Join us for an interactive session to discuss the myths and realities of social media, as well as ways you can use it best to reach your desired audiences.
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Session 79
Time: 1:30 - 1:50
Session Title: Editing PDF Documents on a tablet computer
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
In this workshop, participants will examine how PDF Expert on an iPad or iAnnotate on an Android tablet may be used to annotate and comment on Word or PDF files. A brief examination of Skitch, a more limited free annotation/mark up tool, will also be provided.
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Session 80
Time: 2:00 - 2:20
Session Title: Using your iPad, iPhone, or Android device for class, conference, or workshop presentations
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
This workshop will provide an overview of several apps that can be used to make PowerPoint, Prezi, or other presentations.
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Session 81
Time: 2:30 - 2:50
Session Title: Using your iPad or Android tablet as graphic whiteboard controller
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
In this workshop, we will examine how the Splashtop Whiteboard app may be used to control classroom presentations wirelessly from an iPad or an Android tablet. The use of the drawing, annotation, and highlighting tools will be demonstrated as part of this presentation. Classroom uses of this app will be discussed.
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Session 82
Time: 3:00 - 3:20
Session Title: Using Apple TV to project wirelessly from an iPhone or iPad
Presenter: John Kane
Room: MCC 208
In this session, we will examine how an Apple TV may be used to project wirelessly from an iPad or iPhone. (We will also briefly discuss how Google's chromecast may be similarly used on campus for Android devices - if paired with a wifi hotspot.)
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Session 83
Time: 3:30 - 3:50
Session Title: Google classroom
Presenter: Doug Pippin
Room: MCC 202
In this hands-on workshop, participants will explore the growing collection of tools that are now available in Google Classroom.
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Friday, January 22
Session 84
Time: 9:00 - 9:50
Session Title: Panel of Panopto users
Presenters: Dan Laird et. al
Room: MCC 306
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Session 85
Time: 9:00 - 9:50
Session Title: Explorations of Information Landscapes: Learning and Teaching Scholarly Research and Communication
Presenter: Jim Nichols
Room: MCC 323
The presenter will share his experiences with learning activities designed to lead advanced students into reflection on and exploration of how the experts in their field share and communicate what they learn from research and scholarship. The purpose of these learning activities is to enhance the students' practice of the research process and use of library and information tools with a greater awareness and understanding of their own role as developing participants in disciplinary communities.
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Session 86
Time: 10:00 - 10:50
Session Title: Introduction to Panopto
Presenter: Dan Laird
Room: MCC 306
Lecture capture technology is available across the SUNY Oswego campus. We currently have over 70 classrooms outfitted with equipment to record classroom lectures. Come to this session to learn how the service works and how to get started.
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Session 87
Time: 11:00 - 11:20
Session Title: Using Panopto on iOS or Android devices
Presenters: John Kane and Dan Laird
Room: MCC 306
Participants in this session will download and install the free Panopto app on their iOS or Android device and explore how it may be used on iOS devices to record videos or serve as an additional video feed for an active Panopto session, or to view Panopto recordings or livestreams (on iOS and Android devices).
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Session 88
Time: 11:30 - 11:50
Session Title: New tools for livestreaming events
Presenters: John Kane
Room: MCC 306
Participants in this session will explore the use of Periscope, Meerkat, Google hangouts, Facebook Live, and Panopto to livestream.
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Session 89
Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Session Title: eText/Digital Learning Materials Pilot
Presenters: Dan Laird, Sean Moriarty, and Marilyn Ochoa
Room: MCC 306
The Provost's Office announced an exciting new opportunity for faculty to explore the use of etexts, digital learning materials, and open educational resources in the classroom. The pilot offered a select number of faculty full payment of course materials in exchange for being a part of the pilot to evaluate their use in the classrooms from both the student and faculty perspective.
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Session 90
Time: 1:00 - 1:50
Session Title: Getting started with Prezi
Presenter: John Kane
Room: Shineman 448
Prezi allows you to create rich multimedia presentations using a simple online tool. In this hands-on workshop, participants will create a Prezi presentation that integrates text, images, and video. Participants may wish to create a free Prezi account at http://www.prezi.com before the workshop. We will also show how Powerpoint presentations may be converted into Prezi's format and how one can create a series of Prezi slides that can be posted online as a pdf file.
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Session 91
Time: 2:00 - 2:50
Session Title: Prezi - Beyond the basics
Presenter: John Kane
Room: Shineman 448
This workshop is for those who want to learn about additional features of Prezi, including:
- fade-in animations,
- linking objects,
- 3D backgrounds and parallax effect,
- reusable objects ("My Content"),
- presentations over the web,
- embedding a Prezi on a web site,
- auto-play,
- adding audio to a Prezi path to create an online narrated presentation, and
- adding a background audio track to a prezi.
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Session 92
Time: 2:30 - 2:50
Session Title: Creating at the Library: 3D Printing & More
Presenter: Sharona Ginsberg
Room: MCC 306
Are you curious about the library's 3D printing services? Bring your questions and come learn the basics. We'll also briefly discuss other equipment and opportunities for creative projects the library provides.
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Session 93
Time: 3:00 - 3:50
Session Title: Lights, Camera, Thesis: Next Level Student Projects
Presenter: Sharona Ginsberg
Room: MCC 306
Curious about how to enhance traditional assignments and projects? Want to help students develop important digital literacy skills? During this session, the Learning Technologies Librarian will share how the library can help, and will share tips for planning these type of assignments.
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Session 94
Time: 3:00 - 3:20
Session Title: Using Google forms
Presenter: John Kane
Room: Shineman 448
In this hands-on workshop, participants will create a Google form and examine options for sharing the form and the form's data.
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