Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
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Advising: Expectations, Responsibilities, Technology
Presentation will raise questions and explore expectations, responsibilities of students, faculty and college policy related to advising and the technological era in which we find ourselves. Data from SOC and NSSE will be utilized.
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An intermediate level Astronomy class centered around Hubble's Law
a) We describe a novel intermediate level Astrophysics centered around one relation: Hubble's Law. The course studies this relation in detail and in so doing takes diversions to other branches of astrophysics including stellar evolution, radial and non-radial oscillations and galaxy evolution. In addition, the course relies on much reduced lecturing and students working on group activities in class.
Beyond the Beyond: Acting on the Learning-Centered College
“Beyond lip-service: An operational definition of "learning-centered" college” was published in Innovative Higher Education in May 2008 by members of COLT. It was the result of work going back to 2004, including the conduct and analysis of focus group interviews with students and faculty at SUNY Oswego. One outcome of the project has been the wide distribution of the “Meaningful Learning at SUNY Oswego” brochure.
Beyond lip-service: An operational definition of "learning-centered" college
In 2004, COLT undertook a research project to determine what we mean when we call ourselves a learning-centered college and to explore how we might become more learning-centered. This research resulted in the following publication:
Bosch, W. C., Hester, J.L., MacEntee, V.M., MacKenzie, J.A., Morey, T.M., Nichols, J.T., Pacitti, P.A., Shaffer, B.A., Weber, S.P., and Young, R.R. “Beyond lip-service: An operational definition of "learning-centered" college.” Innovative Higher Education 33, no. 2 (2008).
Blogging as a Tool for Reflective Writing
Brave New World of Social Media
What do a massive Facebook marketing scam, a sub sent from Ithaca to Arizona and a Twitter uprising at a conference have in common? They all speak to how communication is changing with Web 2.0: How we do business, how we connect, who’s really in charge. Tim Nekritz, who manages SUNY Oswego's social media presence (or tries to!), will discuss how Web 2.0 phenomena like Facebook, blogs, cloud collaborations and Twitter have leveled the communication landscape.
CELT Community Group
The CELT community group in ANGEL will be used to disseminate information about workshops, and to share links to relevant online resources. There are now a few links to online support resources for ANGEL and Second Life, as well as links to general resources for college teaching. Keep checking back. The list of resources will grow substantially over the course of this semester.