Schedule of Spring Breakout Sessions - 2009
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Tuesday, May 26
Time: 9:00 - 10:30
Session Title: "Common Pitfalls in Advisement"
Presenters: Michelle Bandla, Chris LaLonde, and Rameen Mohammadi
Room: 123 Penfield Library
In their roles as Coordinator of First-year Programs, Director of General Education, and Associate Provost, the presenters have observed a variety of advisement issues that may interfere with a student's progress toward his or her degree. As an adviser, you can avoid these issues. Attend this session to find out how.
Time: 10:45 - 12:15
Session Title: "Automate your course: ANGEL agents and actions to help manage student learning"
Presenter: Greg Ketcham
Room: CC 202
Greg Ketcham examines how ANGEL agents may be used to increase the sense of instructor presence in online and face-to-face courses.
Wednesday, May 27
Time: 9:00 - 10:30
Session Title: "Word 2007: Introduction"
Presenter: Tim Yager
Room: CC 202
Further your knowledge of the new Microsoft Word with this Word 2007 workshop. Topics covered will start with formatting documents and inserting images, headers/footers, and page numbers. We will look at page layout including margins, orientation, page size, and watermarks. Additionally we will look at spelling & grammar correction, tracking changes, and the new citations & bibliography section. This workshop will combine lecture with hands-on practice.
Time: 10:45 - 12:00
Session Title: "Developing a Strategic Vision for Technology at SUNY-Oswego"
Presenter: Joseph Moreau
Room: 123 Penfield Library
What do you and your students want to do with technology next semester? Next year? In five years? How can technology better support your research and other scholarly activities? How can technology save you time and improve the quality of your work? Join Joseph Moreau, our Chief Technology Officer, for a discussion of these questions and many more. The input gained from this dialog will help CTS craft a strategic vision for technology on our campus.
Time: 2:00 - 3:30
Session Title: "OmniUpdate Campus: User's Choice"
Presenter: Pat MacNeill
Room: CC 202
In the first half of this session we will review creating and editing departmental web pages in OmniUpdate Campus. The 2nd half is your choice. After you register for the class go to this page and choose two additional things (s) you want to learn.
Choices include:
1. resize an image for the web
2. insert multimedia into your site including
3. RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
4. create an accessible PDF file from a Word document
5. review the various templates available in OmniUpdate
This workshop combines lecture with hands-on practice. Previous experience with OmniUpdate Campus is desired but not mandatory.
Thursday, May 28
Time: 9:00 - 12:00
Session Title: "Learning about Diversity: Oswego's Best Practices"
Workshop Leader: Cathy Santos
Room: 123 Penfield Library
This open forum will provide ideas and information about the ways in which our colleagues incorporate issues of diversity in their department, division, classroom, Civic Engagement activities, Community Service, "The Compass", "The Point", professional development programs, Human Resources, and other venues on campus. Participants may provide a copy of their bibliographies, film titles, and other resources that will contribute to the development of a campus resource guide on diversity. We will engage in both small group discussions and presentations.
Friday, May 29
Time: 9:00 - 12:00
Session Title: "Getting Started in Second Life"
Presenter: John Kane
Room: Mahar 211This hands-on workshop covers the basics of how to use Second Life. This workshop is designed for those that are new to Second Life or those that have had limited experience in this virtual world.
Participants in this workshop will learn how to:
- create an avatar
- customize the appearance of their avatar
- navigate in Second Life
- find places, activities, and events
- communicate using public chat, IMs, group chat, notices, and voice chat
- create and use Second Life groups
- set up a parcel for streaming music, video, or other multimedia materials
- build simple objects
Time: 1:00 - 4:00
Session Title: "Instructional Uses of Second Life"
Presenter: John Kane
Room: Mahar 211
This hands-on workshop will focus on instructional applications of Second Life.