Spring 2014 CELT Events
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers various workshops and seminars. Spring semester workshops include:
Wednesday, February 5 - "What is Open SUNY?" - webinar offered by Carey Hatch (SUNY Associate Provost), Ken O'Brien (chair of the Provost's Open SUNY Advisory Council), Peter Knuepfer (President of the University Faculty Senate), Tina Good or her representative (President of the Faculty Council of Community Colleges), and other faculty and profe4ssional staff involved in the Open SUNY effort. (1:00 - 2:00 pm, 123 Penfield).
Wednesday, February 12 - "Who Needs a Textbook?" - Doug Hemphill (12:40 pm, 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
Tuesday, February 18 - COIL project meeting - John Kane (2:20 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, February 19 - COIL project meeting - John Kane (1:50 pm, 123 Penfield)
Friday, February 21 - COIL project meeting - John Kane (1:50 pm, 123 Penfield)
Monday, February 24 - "Korean Students on Campus: What do We Need to Know to Improve Teaching, Learning and Services?"- Dr. Taejin Jung (Communication Studies), Dr. Minjung Seo (Health Promotion and Wellness), and Dr. Joshua McKeown (Director of International Education and Programs) (12:40 - 1:35 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, February 26 - Educational Uses of Mobile Computing - John Kane (1:50 pm, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, February 27 - Educational Uses of Mobile Computing - John Kane (11:10 am, 123 Penfield)
Friday, February 28 - Educational Uses of Mobile Computing - John Kane (11:30 am, 123 Penfield)
Tuesday, March 11 - COIL project meeting - John Kane (2:20 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, March 12 - COIL project meeting - John Kane (1:50 pm, 123 Penfield)
Friday, March 14 - Talking Writing, a meeting of Writing Across the Curriculum's brown bag lunch series - Mike Murphy (11:30 am, 123 Penfield)
Friday, March 14 - COIL project meeting - John Kane (1:50 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, March 26 - Educational Uses of Mobile Computing - John Kane (1:50 pm, 123 Penfield)
Thursday, March 27 - Educational Uses of Mobile Computing - John Kane (11:10 am, 123 Penfield)
Friday, March 28 - Educational Uses of Mobile Computing - John Kane (11:30 am, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, April 2 - "Using clickers to increase learning and student engagement" - John Kane (12:40 pm, 123 Penfield)
Friday, April 4 - Talking Writing, a meeting of Writing Across the Curriculum's brown bag lunch series - Mike Murphy (11:30 am, 123 Penfield)
Friday, April 4 - "Creating 3D Models for Classroom Use" - Doug Hemphill, (12:40 pm, 123 Penfield)
Tuesday, April 22 - COIL project meeting - John Kane (2:20 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, April 23 - Common myths about teaching and learning - John Kane (12:40 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, April 23 - COIL project meeting - John Kane (1:50 pm, 123 Penfield)
Friday, April 25 - COIL project meeting - John Kane (1:50 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, April 30 - "Editing Office documents anywhere using mobile devices" - John Kane (12:40 pm, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, April 30 - "Responding to Student Writing" - Writing Across the Curriculum Fellows (1:50 - 2:45, CC 170)
Friday, May 9 - "Curriculum Mapping and Refining Learning Goals"- Trevor Jorgensen, Assessment Fellow (12:40 pm, 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
Friday, May 9 - "iPad Pilot Project: Music" - Trevor Jorgensen (4:00 pm, 123 Penfield) (watch the video)
Wednesday, May 14 - "Student-Driven Critical Thinking in Online Discussions" - OPEN SUNY COTE Fellow chat - (noon - 1 pm, 123 Penfield)