Interlibrary Loan

Requesting items from another library is also referred to as interlibrary loan or resource sharing. This service is available to students, faculty, and staff, and most items are obtained at no cost to you!

Safe Haven

Emergency Refugee Shelter at Fort Ontario

People standing in line.
Newly arrived refugees wait in line to complete their registration at the Fort Ontario Refugee Center.

Display to Archives

What is Display to Archives?

The Display to Archives program is Penfield Library's ongoing effort to collect, recognize, exhibit, and promote access to the creative and scholarly work of SUNY Oswego's faculty and professional staff.


What are course reserves?

Course reserves are class materials - usually readings - that either your professor or the library has made available to students.

Some things to be aware of:

  • All physical items (books, DVDs, etc.) can be found at the Check-Out & Reserves Desk.

  • Most items can be checked out for 3 hours at a time.

  • Not all textbooks are available on Course Reserves. If your class textbook is not available, ask your professor to put a copy on Reserves.

Reserve Information for Faculty

What are course reserves?

  • Course reserves are course materials - usually textbooks - that are available at no cost to your students.
  • Usually, one or more copies of the item are available, and a student can check out the item for a few hours or a few days at a time.
  • We populate our course reserves collection primarily with loans or gifts from instructors; however, we are sometimes able to purchase titles as well.

What can I put on course reserves?


General Info

You can borrow laptops at the Check-Out & Reserves Desk, for use in the library. Here's what you should know before you borrow one: