Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
TLT Webinar - SUNY's Virtual Medical Center
Presenters: Hope Windle, Instructional Designer at the State University of New York Ulster
Lisa Schulte, Associate Professor of Nursing at the State University of New York Ulster
Tara Zacharzuk, Nursing Professor at the State University of New York Ulster
Student perspectives on instruction, advising, academic dishonesty, and disruptive behavior
Hybrid / Blended Learning
Learning from irrationality
Economists had long assumed that individuals behave as rational agents. Behavioral economists and psychologists, however, have provided overwhelming evidence that individuals behave in ways that are consistently irrational in many circumstances. In this workshop, a variety of research findings by behavioral economists and psychologists concerning human rationality will be examined in terms of their implications for student motivation and learning. Among the topics to be examined are the effects of:
What does research tell us about student learning?
- In this workshop, research findings concerning student learning will be examined. The workshop will focus on how we can design a learning environment that best encourages learning. The topics discussed will include:
- low-stakes testing,
- learning styles and other myths,
- intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and
- meaningful learning.
While this is listed as a new faculty workshop, all faculty are invited to participate.
Fall 2012 CELT Events
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers various workshops and seminars. Fall semester workshops include:
Wednesday, August 29 - "Using i>clickers" - Kathy LaQuadra, Senior Technology Specialist at i>clicker (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield) (video recording)
Spring 2013 CELT events
Spring semester workshops include:
Wednesday, February 6 - "Mobile Apps in Education" - brown-bag lunch series (12:40 - 1:35, 123 Penfield)
Wednesday, February 6 - "Degree Works Open Labs for Advisors" - Jerret Lemay, Registrar (12:30 - 2:00, 202 CC)
Wednesday, February 13 - "Prezi: moving beyond PowerPoint" - John Kane (12:40 - 1:35, Library Classroom 1)
Spring Breakout Workshops 2013
Spring Breakout 2013 schedule
The Spring breakout schedule is listed below. To register for workshops, please go to the registration form. (Note: You must be logged into your account to register.)
Tuesday, May 28
2012 Symposium on Teaching and Learning
Eighth Annual SUNY-Oswego Symposium on Learning and Teaching:
Writing for the New Millennium