Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching
Implementing Service Learning in the Classroom
Getting Started in Second Life
This workshop will provide an orientation to Second Life for those that are relatively new to this virtual world. The morning discussion will focus on:
- creating an avatar and customizing your avatar appearance,
- navigation in Second Life,
- communication using chat, IM, note cards, and voice chat, and
- interesting examples of educational builds in Second Life.
The afternoon session will:
- address specific interests of the participants, and
- introduce basic building skills.
Second Life 2.0 - New tools for learning and teaching in Second Life
Second Life and Higher Education
Schedule of Spring Breakout Sessions - 2009
Tuesday, May 26
Time: 9:00 - 10:30
Session Title: "Common Pitfalls in Advisement"
Presenters: Michelle Bandla, Chris LaLonde, and Rameen Mohammadi
Room: 123 Penfield Library
In their roles as Coordinator of First-year Programs, Director of General Education, and Associate Provost, the presenters have observed a variety of advisement issues that may interfere with a student's progress toward his or her degree. As an adviser, you can avoid these issues. Attend this session to find out how.
Time: 10:45 - 12:15
Spring 2009 Workshops and Seminars
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers a variety of workshops and seminars for faculty and staff. Spring semester workshops include:
Spring 2010 CELT Events
The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers various workshops and seminars for faculty and staff. Fall semester workshops include:
Faculty learning community on student motivation
The faculty learning community on student motivation will discuss methods of effectively engaging and motivating students to enhance learning.
Meeting topics:
3/30/12 - A discussion of "Teacher Leadership and Intellectual Stimulation: Improving Students' Approaches to Studying through Intrinsic Motivation"