How to register

Faculty and instructional staff registration (and anyone that receives workshop emails from CELT):
1. Visit and

2. Login using your LakerNet id and password

3. Click on the CELT community group on the bottom left side side of the screen

4. Click on the link on the group announcement (or click on the Content tab and then the registration link)

CELT workshop: CAPP reports

Too many students are approaching graduation with problems that could have been avoided. In this workshop, Associate Provost Rameen Mohammadi and Associate Registrar Shelly St. John discuss how these reports should be used to help ensure that your advisees graduate in a timely manner.



Many faculty members have commented on an increased trend toward incivility in the classroom. This has also been noted in the national literature in higher education.  The purpose of this session is two fold:
1. To have faculty share effective strategies for dealing with incivility in the classroom
2. To learn what recourse faculty have when dealing with incidents of incivility

Please come and share your experiences with colleagues.

CELT Workshop

The fastest-growing digital communication phenomena are location-based geosocial media and augmented reality. Geosocial platforms like Foursquare, Gowalla and SCVNGR find users checking in, connecting and exchanging information about sites from bars to beaches, cafes to college campuses. Even the biggest social media player is involved with the launch of Facebook Places. Augmented reality applications like Layar and Yelp provide additional layers of user-provided information projected onto the world around you.


The onset of Middle State Accreditation review requires that all departments conduct an effective assessment of student learning outcomes. At this session, the following topics will be addressed:
  • the Middle States expectations concerning effective assessment,
  • using effective assessment to enable students to more fully realize their potential, and
  • developing and refining learning outcomes appropriate for your majors.

Busting the Myths of Assessment

Does the word assessment send you into a panic? Do you have concerns about assessing student learning? Do you have strong opinions on how higher education institutions should go about assessing student learning? If you answered "yes" to any or all three of these questions, then you should come to this workshop! Please join us for an open and honest discussion about what's fact and what's fiction regarding the assessment process.

Jennifer Knapp woll lead this discussion.


The Future of Higher Education Reading Group

Are you interested in

The Future of Higher Education?

You are invited to join

a discussion of books

on the future of higher education.


Books are now available on reserve in the library.

 Or, why not order a copy through Interlibrary Loan

 or purchase one for yourself through the bookstore or on-line?


You are encouraged to read the book in advance,

but, if unable to do so, please come hear the discussion anyway.


12:40-1:40  Campus Center 133