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Upcoming student survey on AI set

September 12, 2024

Within the next week, undergraduate students will receive a survey from SUNY Oswego’s Writing Across the Curriculum Steering Committee about the student perspective on artificial intelligence as a writing tool.

Organizers hope this survey will give the campus community a better understanding of how students perceive artificial intelligence tools, as well as both whether and how they use them when they write. Each student’s feedback is valuable and will help inform future institutional policy and pedagogical tools.

Final reminder: Panopto and Zoom retention policy action to run Thursday

September 12, 2024

As a final reminder, the retention policy for cloud storage with Panopto and Zoom will be completed this Thursday, Sept. 19. The policy is run annually on this day. The retention policy will do the following:

Presentation to feature anthropology project's Van Buren Inn, Tavern Field findings

September 12, 2024

On Saturday, Sept. 21, at 2:30 p.m. in the Community Room at the Oswego Public Library, athropology professor Alanna Ossa will give a lecture about the results of the SUNY Oswego Archaeology Field School at the Van Buren Inn and Tavern in Volney during summer of 2024.

Volunteer ushers needed for historic Presidential Inauguration on Sept. 27

September 12, 2024

SUNY Oswego has a very special event coming up in the university’s first Presidential Inauguration in more than years on Friday, Sept. 27. For the ceremony officially inducting Peter O. Nwosu, the Public Ceremonies Committee needs a talented and dedicated team to help guide guests to and in Marano Campus Center’s Deborah F. Stanley Arena and Convocation Hall.

Partial lunar eclipse viewing offered at Rice Creek Observatory

September 12, 2024

In April, Oswego was graced with a rare celestial event: a total solar eclipse. Now it's the moon's turn, with a lunar eclipse on Tuesday, Sept. 17.

Fire Safety Month kickoff activities scheduled

September 11, 2024

SUNY Oswego’s Fire Department invites the entire campus community to participate in fire safety events happening on Tuesday, Oct. 1, at Hewitt Quad from 12:25 p.m. to 5 p.m. The event will feature a variety of engaging activities and essential safety tips.

Call for nominations: SUNY Chancellor's Awards and Distinguished Faculty ranks

September 11, 2024

Each year the State University of New York recognizes outstanding faculty service, teaching, librarianship, scholarship and creative activity through the conferral of Chancellor's Awards for Excellence and the promotions to the Distinguished Faculty ranks.

SUNY Oswego is authorized to submit up to four nominations for each of the following Chancellor's Awards:

SUNY honorary degree nominations due this week

September 10, 2024

Each year, SUNY Oswego nominates between one and five exemplary individuals to SUNY for consideration of receiving a SUNY honorary doctorate degree. SUNY Oswego typically presentes SUNY honorary degree awards to recipients at its commencement ceremonies and asks the recipients to serve as the ceremony's commencement speaker.

SUNY Oswego joins upcoming Oswego Pride Festival

September 9, 2024

SUNY Oswego will have a table at the Oswego Pride Festival this Saturday, Sept. 14, at Civic Plaza, located between Oswego City Hall and Oswego Police Station.

The festival runs from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. and is accessible via the Oswego bus route to West First Street or West Second Street. There will be vendors, entertainment and food, as well as free swag at SUNY Oswego's table.

President Nwosu to hold drop-in meetings today for students

September 9, 2024

SUNY Oswego President Peter O. Nwosu will host student drop-in hours today, Tuesday, Sept. 10, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in the Marano Campus Center Food Court.   

All students are encouraged to drop in, say hello to President Nwosu, ask a question or discuss a topic of importance to them.