
Proposal Development

If you have an idea for a scholarly activity or research project and are interested in obtaining external funding, contact Julie Marte or Maria Nakamura to discuss your project needs. A funding opportunity search tool SPIN is also available which allows for customize funding searches. Additionally, tell us what areas you are interested in obtaining funding using the Faculty Profile and us and we can work on finding funding for you.

Proposal Preparation

Step One:

Alert: The first step to a grant submission is to contact ORSP well in advance of a submission deadline. A variety of services are available to assist you while you are preparing your grant proposal. This includes assistance with budget preparation, editing and critiquing proposals, and a review of the components of the proposal to ensure compliance with sponsor guidelines and internal policies.

  • Proposal guidance and editing, contact Bill Bowers x5631
  • Budget preparation and coordinating proposal submission, contact Julie Marte x2561 or Maria Nakamura x2884

Step Two:

Plan: Proposal development will take time. Coordinating with ORSP throughout the development process will help ensure the submission process goes smoothly.

Campus approvals are required prior to submitting a grant proposal. Approvals are obtained through a Routing Sheet, which is sent the department chair, dean, ORSP, provost and president for approvals. Prior to circulating a routing sheet, work with ORSP to develop your budget and narrative.

Proposals must be complete and forwarded to ORSP at least 5 business days prior to the sponsor deadline. This will allow time for a final review of the application for compliance with sponsor requirements and ensure there is sufficient time allowed for proposal submission. See the Proposal Submission Policy for details.

Conflict of Interest Disclosures

The PACS (Pre-Award and Compliance System) Conflict of Interest ​(COI) disclosure must be completed annually for Principal Investigators.  See the following links for the Conflict of interest and PHS Conflict of Interest Policies, and training guide. 

COI training is required at least every 4 years for each Investigator on PHS (NIH, CDC, etc) grants and for all those completing a PACS COI disclosure.  Training is provided by CITI programIf you do not already have an account with CITI, register and select SUNY - College of Oswego as your Organization Affiliation.  

Step Three:

Submit: Most sponsors require grant proposals be submitted by the Institution via the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Contact us with questions on how a proposal will need to be submitted.

Determining if an award is a "grant" or a "gift"

A “Grant” (also referred to as a ‘sponsored program’), is administered by the Office for Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) in accordance to policies established by The Research Foundation of SUNY (RF)

A “Gift”, can be administered by either ORSP/RF or managed by the Oswego College Foundation, Inc.

In instances where it is not readily apparent if the award is a “Grant” or when a “Gift” is
received, ORSP and the Oswego College Foundation, Inc. will collaborate to review the
award and associated documentation and make the appropriate determination.

Please see our AWARDS: GRANTS VS. GIFTS guide for additional information.