Policies & How-To Guides
Personnel Policies:
- Exhibit A Policy of Affirmative Action Letter
- National Service Criminal History Checks (NSCHC) Policy
- Principal Investigator Eligibility Policy
- SUNY Oswego PI Conflict of Interest Policy
Workplace Standards Policies (Includes Employees, Supervisors, and PIs):
- Exhibit B Harassment Policy
- Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
- NSF Harassment Policy (Effective 22 October 2018)
- NIH Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy (first notice 17 September 2018)
- Misconduct Policy
- NSF Safe and Inclusive Work Environment Plan for Off-Campus or Off-Site Research (Effective for proposals submitted or due on or after January 30, 2023)
General Policies
- Grant Submission Policy
- Determining if an award is a "grant" or a "gift"
- RF Policies A-Z
- Provost's Course Buy Out Policy
- Indirect Cost Rate Policy
How-To Guides:
- My research/creative/scholarly project involves independent contractors. What is the process for getting them paid and for acquiring access to campus facilities and equipment?
- What steps do you take when you want to apply for an external grant?
- How do I interpret an APT/MAS Report, and what other monthly report options are available?
- What steps are taken when your sponsored program/contract includes support for scholarships?
- What is an effort report? How and when do I certify them?
- Need to register for ORCID? SUNY Office of Library Services (OLIS), in partnership with the Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Development (OREID), has created an ORCID website where you can learn more about ORCID and how to register.
- If an RF employee is injured at a work-site or experiences a work-related illness, immediately report the incident to your supervisor, who should notify ORSP. Our office will file a Worker's Compensation claim on your behalf. See the Employee Handbook for additional information.
Compliance and Ethics:
A new Speak Up RF webpage launched on 31DEC2023.
The new Speak Up RF hotline has increased options for reporting fraud, waste, and misconduct. It preserves the option for complete anonymity while allowing an anonymous reporter to communicate with the investigative team, and can provide case updates to the reporter. This new functionality enhances communication, transparency, and supports proper and thorough review of anonymous complaints.
To access the Speak Up RF – Ethics Hotline to report or raise any concerns about potential fraud, waste, abuse, violation of law, rule, regulation or policy or any workplace harassment or discrimination.
- Follow the link at the top of the RF website, www.rfsuny.org;
- Go to www.rfsuny.org/speakuprf-ethicshotline;
- Call 800-461-9330 to speak to a third-party representative who will handle your concern; or
- Text your concern to 518-351-6827.
As always, should you have any questions please contact us at rfcompliance@rfsuny.org.