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Grand Challenges mini grant awards announced for spring 2020

December 5, 2019

We are pleased to announce the successful applications for Grand Challenges mini grants for spring 2020. Our current Grand Challenge brings Fresh Water For All topics and activities into the classroom for student projects; the mini grants are intended to support this initiative.

Global and International Studies + Institute for Global Engagement
Lead Applicant: Lisa Glidden

World Kindness Celebration to feature raffle baskets, ticket giveaways

December 4, 2019

Students are invited to take part in the campus World Kindness Celebration by creating letters to either themselves or someone else, which they can contribute to the kindness tree, from 10 a.m. to noon today (Dec. 6) in 133 Marano Campus Center.

Students encouraged to 'drop-in' with President Stanley today

December 4, 2019

President Deborah F. Stanley will host the fall 2019 semester's final Student Drop-In hour today (Thursday, Dec. 5) from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. in the Marano Campus Center food and activity court.

All students are encouraged to drop in, say hello to President Stanley, ask a question or discuss a topic important to you.

Toy drive continues; Dec. 5 dodgeball tournament to support

December 4, 2019

The third annual dodgeball tournament sponsored by University Police, starting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5, will help ring in some holiday cheer for the SUNY Oswego Toy Drive.

All are welcome to participate or come watch the event. Donations of toys will be collected at the door. The entrance fee to play is a minimum of two toys. All other donations are more then welcome, with food and drink served as well. 

Series of retirement consultations offered

December 2, 2019

The SUNY Oswego Office of Human Resources is coordinating a series of retirement consultations during December.

Celebrating UP Chief John Rossi's retirement

November 19, 2019

Please join us in celebrating the upcoming retirement of University Police Chief John Rossi.  A reception will be held on Monday, Nov. 25 from 2 to 4 p.m. in 114 Marano Campus Center (MCC 114). 

Chief Rossi began his career as a public safety officer in 1987 and later served as a police officer, investigator, and assistant chief, before assuming the role of chief in 2013. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to stop by and thank Chief Rossi for his over 30 years of dedicated service to the college, and wish him a fond farewell.

College welcomes new Purchase Associate Karen Hurd

November 19, 2019

I am pleased to welcome Karen Hurd as the new Purchase Associate at SUNY Oswego. Karen, who joined our campus community on Nov. 14, comes to Oswego from the private sector with over 15 years of operational and purchasing experience. She will oversee the campus procurement operations and property control area. 

Penfield Library to host Research Party today

November 15, 2019

Students are invited to attend a Research Party at Penfield Library this evening (Nov. 19) from 6 to 8 p.m.

All students are welcome to come for pizza and snacks and to get help with their research. Librarians and peer Writing Center tutors will be on hand to help with finding scholarly sources, formatting citations, writing and more. No appointment is necessary; sudents are welcome to drop in and join the community.

For more information, e-mail

Seeking student, faculty and staff input at college identity workshops this week

November 15, 2019

Throughout the past year, SUNY Oswego has engaged with students, alumni, faculty, staff and administrators in an institution-wide Branding Exploration – a self-reflective marketing initiative that seeks to gain a greater understanding of the Oswego brand, and collectively aims to define the institution’s identity.

Discover Wellness to offer 'Find a Healthier You' program

November 15, 2019

The college's Discover Wellness program will offer a "Find A Healthier You" session on the topic of functional wellness on both Nov. 25 and Dec. 4 at 4:45 to 5:45 p.m. in the Wellness Lab in the basement of Wilber Hall.

All faculty and staff are invited to this free program. To reserve a spot, e-mail Elizabeth Keida at The first 15 to register will receive a wellness incentive gift.