Alternatives to Lecture

This workship will first describe why lecture is an ineffective method of encouraging long-term learning. Then it will describe several different methods that minimize lecturing: just-in-time teaching, team-based learning, and peer instruction. Common pitfalls will be addressed. More importantly, student and faculty benefits will be emphasized.

Developing a COIL Course: Finding a Foreign Partner

The SUNY Cooperative Online International Learning (COIL) initiative is designed to support the development of classes in which students in domestic classes interact in a meaningful manner with students from a partner class in a foreign country.  Student interaction may be synchronous or asynchronous and relies on a variety of web 2.0 tools (including wikis, blogs, Nings, course management systems, Skype, Google talk, Google Docs, VoiceThread, YouTube, Vimeo, Imgur, and Picasa). A number of faculty at Oswego have expressed an interest in developing COIL classes.

New Faculty workshops

The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers various workshops and seminars for new faculty and staff. While these workshops are designed for new members of the college community, any faculty or staff member is welcome to attend. Fall semester workshops include: