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2015 Winter Breakout Workshops

Monday, January 12

Session 1
Time: 9:00 - 9:50
Session Title: Student metacognition: do students know what they know?
Presenter: John Kane
Room: CC 206
In this session, research findings concerning student metacognition will be examined, This will be followed by a discussion of alternative strategies that may be used to help students improve their metacognition.  Watch

Creating Posters

Guidelines for poster presentations at Oswego Symposium on Learning and Teaching:

The poster that you present should provide a complete description of your project. Anyone viewing it should be able to understand the essence of what you did and how it worked without any further explanation. For at least part of the time that the poster is on display, we hope that you, or someone familiar with your project, will be available to provide further details for those who wish to have more information.

Posters should be 42" x 60".

New Faculty workshops

The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers various workshops and seminars for new faculty and staff. While these workshops are designed for new members of the college community, any faculty or staff member is welcome to attend. Fall semester workshops include:

The Inside Scoop on Online Course Evaluations: Nothing New But the In's and Out's of Angel

Several academic departments have been choosing to do Angel Online course evaluations for quite some time.  This presentation will share how one department has streamlined the online course evaluations process. You will learn how the ANGEL software provides expedited information to the faculty member in time for planning the next semester. Come prepared to have the features demonstrated and see how the data can be collected using this process for completing online evaluations.

Korean Students on Campus: What do We Need to Know to Improve Teaching, Learning and Services?

This session will be co-presented by Dr. Taejin Jung (Communication Studies), Dr. Minjung Seo (Health Promotion and Wellness), and Dr. Joshua McKeown (Director of International Education and Programs). It is designed to offer faculty and staff background and helpful information about our incoming Korean student population on campus. Starting in January 2013 SUNY Oswego will enroll many more Korean undergraduates on campus, likely fifty or more each year going forward.