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Discover Wellness employee session on Thursday to offer stress relief tips

October 27, 2020

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Committee will collaborate with the Discover Wellness worksite wellness program to offer SUNY Oswego employees a wellness session from 1 to 1:50 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 29, via Zoom.

SUNY Oswego employees’ lives have changed drastically over the past months, and whether you are required to report to work at this time or working from home, it sometimes can be challenging and stressful. This session aims to help employees relieve some of their stress through everyday techniques. 

Media Summit participants to virtually visit classes, offer career connections

October 26, 2020

While this year's Lewis B. O'Donnell Media Summit will take place virtually, a team of media all-stars and talented alumni in the business will still connect with classes and inviduals throughout the day on Wednesday, Oct. 28.

Self-Study Preparation Visit Open Session set Nov. 2

October 26, 2020

Dear Campus Community,

On Monday, November 2, SUNY Oswego will host Dr. Ellie Fogarty, Lead Vice President for Institutional Field Relations, and Dr. Paul Starkey, Vice President for Institutional Field Relations, for SUNY Oswego's virtual Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) Self-Study Preparation Visit.

From 2 to 3 p.m., Dr. Fogarty and Dr. Starkey will co-cost a session for any interested SUNY Oswego faculty members, staff and students who would like to learn more about MSCHE and the Self-Study process. 

SEFA to host No Shave November fundraiser

October 26, 2020

The college’s SUNY Oswego State Employees Federated Appeal (SEFA) campaign will host its inaugural No Shave November, and seeks participants to help this effort to support Oswego County Opportunities Cancer Services Program.

No Shave November began as a fundrasier for cancer-related charities, asking participants to donate money they would put toward shaving and grooming products toward the cause. The 11th-month event has now gone national, with participants asking friends and family to donate to sponsor their efforts. 

81st Technology Fall Conference to focus on teaching in changing times

October 22, 2020

Now in its 81st year, the college’s Technology Fall Conference will cross a new bridge this year in presenting an all-digital event Oct. 29 and 30.

The conference, coordinated by the college’s technology education program, will incorporate that factor and the many changes affecting educators everywhere in the event’s themes. Presentation areas will include:

ALANA Conference organizers seek feedback

October 21, 2020

The ALANA (African, Latino, Asian and Native American) Planning Committee is seeking feedback via survey from the general audience, SUNY Oswego faculty, staff and students who attended the ALANA 34th Annual Student Leadership Conference programs, activities and events. 

Email survey Oct. 26 will take pulse of undergraduate student experiences

October 21, 2020

The coronavirus has upended all aspects of education, making it especially important for SUNY Oswego to understand students' experiences and implement the best educational practices possible. This year, the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) housed at Indiana University has developed a short online survey to help colleges and universities take the pulse of the undergraduate student experiences.  These results will impact the college's actions in Spring 2021 and beyond.

On-campus employees reminded to test for COVID-19 every three weeks

October 21, 2020

As each member of the campus community continues to play a key role in helping SUNY Oswego flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19, please help ensure the Oswego family is doing everything possible to remain healthy for the rest of the semester.

Distinguished nominees sought for SUNY honorary degrees

October 20, 2020

Dear Campus Community,

Each year, SUNY Oswego nominates 1-5 exemplary individuals to SUNY for consideration of receiving a SUNY honorary doctorate degree. SUNY Oswego typically awards SUNY honorary degrees to recipients at its commencement ceremonies and asks the recipients to serve as the ceremony's commencement speaker. 

Women's Center hosts annual Take Back The Night event

October 20, 2020

Take Back the Night, slated Oct. 28, is Women's Center's annual event designed to raise awareness for sexual assault, establish a sense of community and rally Oswego's campus against sexual violence.