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Notice on Title IX, sexual and interpersonal violence prevention, education and response

October 12, 2020

To all members of the SUNY Oswego community,

Information regarding sexual and interpersonal violence prevention, education and response is located on the Title IX website

What is Title IX?

Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars hosts call for nominations

October 12, 2020

On behalf of the Eta Omicron chapter of Phi Beta Delta of the SUNY Oswego Institute for Global Engagement, I invite you to nominate yourself or someone else for membership to this Honor Society for International Scholars. Membership recognizes outstanding students, faculty and staff with international experience who have significantly contributed to expanding world awareness and global engagement at SUNY Oswego.

Students and employees reminded to continue taking daily health screens

October 12, 2020

As each member of the campus community continues to play a key role in helping SUNY Oswego flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19, we want to ensure that we are doing everything to remain healthy for the rest of the semester. As we pledged to do when we returned to campus this fall, students, faculty and staff are expected to take their respective health screen each and every day they plan to be on campus. 

Tips on accessing campus software and computer labs remotely

October 12, 2020

Remotely Accessing Campus Software

Need access to a piece of software that is available only in the computer labs?  

You can access specialized software using “virtual applications.” These applications are stored on a Citrix server. From your own PC, Mac, Chromebook, or even an iPad, you can run the application you need using the Chrome web browser.

Discover Wellness series to feature 'Writing Away Stress'

October 12, 2020

The Employee Assistance Program Committee will collaborat with the Discover Wellness worksite wellness program to offer SUNY Oswego employees a "Writing Away Stress" wellness session from 1 to 1:50 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 29.  

College, United Way, Oswego Elks team up for food, toy, pet supply drive

October 9, 2020

SUNY Oswego’s SEFA (State Employees Federated Appeal) and the United Way of Greater Oswego County are teaming up with the Oswego Elks Lodge as a dropoff point for this year’s Holiday Toy, Food and Pet Supply Drive.

The pandemic has disrupted a lot of the usual collection activities, but a large community need remains. 

SEFA holding Breast Cancer Awareness Month fundraiser to support services

October 9, 2020

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and this year the college's SEFA (State Employees Federated Appeal) campaign is raising funds to support Oswego County Opportunities Cancer Services Program.

SEFA will continue its annual Pink Month activities, as anybody making an online donation of $5 or more will receive a gift of three pink disposable face masks. 

Additional 1-credit fall 2020 options open to first-year students

October 8, 2020

First-year residential students now have the option to add an additional face-to-face class to their schedules during this fall semester.

A set of one-credit class options will begin on Oct. 26 and will meet in-person until Nov. 25. Instruction will continue online after the Thanksgiving recess, concluding on Dec. 11. These could be beneficial for students looking to make more connections with peers and who want to gain more classroom time in their schedules.

GST 100 - College Orientation & Success

Alumnus to lead virtual Edward Austin Sheldon presentation

October 8, 2020

The Oswego Alumni Association will present a free virtual Edward Austin Sheldon presentation, featuring alumnus Don Little '91 M'94 M'15, at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 13.

Little is a social studies teacher in the Syracuse City School District. His master's thesis focused on college founder Edward Austin Sheldon’s life and legacy, and is available for review at Penfield Library.

Write a note of encouragement to SUNY Oswego students

October 6, 2020

All members of the Oswego Lakers family -- faculty, staff, alumni, parents and students -- are invited to share messages of hope and positivity, via an online message board on Kudoboard.

"Let's fill this board with videos, photos and messages to inspire our students to persevere, feel connected and stay the course," said Laura Pavlus Kelly, executive director of the Oswego Alumni Association and a 2009 graduate. "Share your message today!"