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Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program accepting applications

September 10, 2020

SUNY Oswego is proud to bring the CSTEP (Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program) program back to campus and the program is currently accepting applications for students to participate.

RISE office offers Undergraduate Research Assistantship grants

September 10, 2020

Dear Faculty,

I am pleased to announce an opportunity available to support your scholarship. The Research and Individualized Student Experiences (RISE) office in partnership with the Financial Aid Office supports 12 Undergraduate Research Assistantships through the federally funded Work Study program.

Future Alumni Network to host virtual game night for first-year students

September 9, 2020

The Future Alumni Network (FANs) will present Zoom Into Game Night for First-Year Students via Zoom from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 16.

Lighting honors World Lymphoma Awareness Day

September 8, 2020

Campus landmarks and select lighting will glow red today (Tuesday, Sept. 15), honoring a request from the Lymphoma Research Foundation to support World Lymphoma Awareness Day.

The foundation is a leader in raising public awareness about lymphoma, the most common type of blood cancer. After the United States Congress designated September as National Blood Cancer Awareness Month in 2010, the foundation launched a nationwide awareness campaign to educate more people about this complex group of cancers.

Alumna to lead Virtual "Brewga" Session on Sunday

September 8, 2020

The Oswego Alumni Association is presenting a free virtual "brewga" session--the combination of yoga and one's beverage of choice--featuring 2012 alumna Amy LaLonde, at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, Sept. 13.

LaLonde, a research scientist at Eli Lilly and Company, will lead a 60-minute virtual vinyasa yoga session, where attendees can do whatever they please while she cues a moderately paced yoga class. All levels of yoga experience are welcome, and organizers also welcome any family members to join (dogs, children, spouses, etc.).

Call for nominations: SUNY Awards and Promotions Selection Committee

September 8, 2020

The process by which SUNY Oswego recommends nominees for SUNY Awards and the promotion to Distinguished Professorships involves the actions of a selection committee.

The selection committee is responsible for soliciting campus nominations, reviewing nomination files, evaluating all nominees, and ranking nominations as a recommendation for action by the President.

If elected, Faculty Assembly policy calls for the members of the committee to consider nominations for the following categories:

Internal grant funding opportunities available

September 8, 2020

Below are the deadlines and descriptions for several internal funding opportunities this semester.

Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant
Deadline: Monday, Oct. 26

Funnelle Hall to be used for COVID-19 Quarantine Rooms

September 7, 2020

As the SUNY Oswego campus moves from baseline COVID-19 testing to aggressive surveillance testing, President Deborah F. Stanley announced on Monday (Sept. 7) that Funnelle Hall will be used to house additional students who may need to be moved into campus-supported quarantine rooms.  Funnelle Hall was recently renovated and slated to be offline this semester.  It contains 208 rooms, each to be used as single rooms for students who need to quarantine.  

College's Global Awareness Conference issues call for presenters

September 7, 2020

The 2020 SUNY Oswego Global Awareness Conference, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 6 and 7, 2020, is looking for presenters.

The theme of the online 2020 conference is "Year of First Nations." Although the conference will focus on the theme, any proposal submissions that focus on culture outside of the United States is acceptable.

Faculty speakers sought for TEDxSUNY Oswego

September 4, 2020

Members of the faculty willing to share their expertise are invited to submit for a TEDxSUNYOswego event this fall, with a theme of “Tomorrow’s Plan: Technology and Society.”

“This is an exciting opportunity for faculty members at SUNY Oswego,” said Fabio Machado, a strategic communication graduate student coordinating a licensed version of the popular TEDx series as his master’s degree applied project.