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Captioning service platforms available to support academic accessibility

April 10, 2020

Captioning makes audio and video content more accessible. As SUNY Oswego has shifted to alternative modes of teaching in recent weeks, more students than ever stand to benefit from the captioning of video content. To support faculty in the first weeks of their transition to online teaching, Campus Technology Services offered captioning services for some newly generated videos.

Career Services offering virtual job fairs, webinars, workshops, more

April 9, 2020

The college’s Office of Career Services remains connected with students and employers to provide services including virtual job fairs, interviewing advice, career exploration workshops and more.

A sampling of upcoming events:

President Stanley hosting virtual "drop-in" with students today

April 7, 2020

President Deborah F. Stanley will host a virtual drop-in meeting with students today, April 8, from 10:30 am to noon, where interested students will have a one-on-one opportunity to say hello to President Stanley, ask a question or discuss a topic important to them via a scheduled Zoom meeting.

10:30 a.m. to noon
Virtually via Zoom *

Grants fund 9 faculty research projects

April 6, 2020

The Spring 2020 Round of the Faculty Scholarly and Creative Activity Grant application/review process has concluded with nine proposals recommended for a total of $25,077.25 in funding by members of the Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Scott Furlong approved these recommendations. 

The funded proposals are as follows: 

Faculty-Student Challenge Grants recipients announced

April 6, 2020

The Spring 2020 round of the Faculty-Student Challenge Grant application/review process concluded with 13 proposals recommended for a total of $51,975.54 in funding by members of the Scholarly and Creative Activity Committee. Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Scott Furlong approved these recommendations. 

The funded proposals are as follows: 

Provost announces Pass/Fail options for spring 2020

April 4, 2020

Dear Students,

I’m hopeful that your studies continue to go well. Please know that our faculty and staff are focused and working hard to support you and have your best interests at heart as we have all shifted to this unique situation.

Representatives of faculty governance, the deans, and I have been working diligently to develop policy changes in response to the uniqueness of the Spring 2020 semester.

Reginald Braggs joins Oswego as director of the Syracuse campus

April 4, 2020

Dear SUNY Oswego colleagues:

Reginald BraggsReginald Braggs

Employees have online ways to contact their retirement systems

April 3, 2020

To protect the health of employees, the Office of Human Resources is currently forgoing any face-to-face meetings and training sessions with employees' retirement plan investment providers.

You can request a virtual meeting or phone consolation with your provider. Below is information on how to contact each retirement system and set up a meeting. If you already had a meeting scheduled, the provider should have reached out to you directly to make accommodations to meet virtually. 

Optional Retirement Program (ORP)

Employee Assistance Program continues to offer resources

April 3, 2020

Faculty and staff are reminded that SUNY Oswego’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available remotely. EAP was designed to help employees deal with the everyday issues involved in balancing work and life, as well as more serious problems.

Penfield Library offers variety of virtual resources

April 3, 2020

The librarians from Penfield Library are not in the building, but that doesn’t mean they are not still availabe to help the campus community.