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What does research tell us about student learning?

  1. In this workshop, research findings concerning student learning will be examined. The workshop will focus on how we can design a learning environment that best encourages learning. The topics discussed will include:
  • low-stakes testing,
  • learning styles and other myths,
  • intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and
  • meaningful learning.

While this is listed as a new faculty workshop, all faculty are invited to participate.

New Faculty workshops

The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching offers various workshops and seminars for new faculty and staff. While these workshops are designed for new members of the college community, any faculty or staff member is welcome to attend. Fall semester workshops include:

Thursday, September 6 - "Jumpstart on Teaching" - John Kane (4:00 - 5:00 pm, 123 Penfield)

COIL project meeting

This is a monthly meeting of the faculty group participating in the COIL program. Any faculty interested in exploring the development of a COIL class is encouraged to attend.

9/14 or 9/15 - At this meeting, the state of current COIL projects will be discussed, workshop plans will be discussed for the semester, and course development contracts will be distributed to those developing courses for this academic year 2014. (There are two meeting times listed to accommodate diverse faculty schedules. The same topics will be discussed at each meeting.)